Hello there

 My demo account seems to have been disconnected this morning

As you can see I'm very actively training on it and making 'money '

Can you re-instate me please


Re-install what?
If you opened demo account with some broker (or with MQ) so you can open the other demo, or wait for the correction to be started.
Besides, as far as I know - some brokers are deleting old demo accounts, some other brokers are allowing to demo'ing for 3 months only, and most of the brokers are deleting the demo accounts based on inactivity for some days/weeks/months, and so on ...

My wish is to have my account as I'm actively trading and making ''money''


My wish is to have my account as I'm actively trading and making ''money''

Did you tell them about it?
Sergey Golubev:
Did you tell them about it?
I did not open with a broker. It was with online with MQL4
I did not open with a broker. It was with online with MQL4
So, you can write to the service desk asking them about the procedure concerning demo accounts opened with them (and you can ask them about what to do in your case - because they can check it: demo account number and so on).

Hello there

 My demo account seems to have been disconnected this morning

As you can see I'm very actively training on it and making 'money '

Can you re-instate me please


May be your internet connectivity is limited or leak, try to check it and recconected