Is there a search button for forum articles?

I must be going blind, because I can't find how to look up a post I was reading a few months ago.  Is there an easier way than just scrolling through the hundreds (thousands?) of topics?
I must be going blind, because I can't find how to look up a post I was reading a few months ago.  Is there an easier way than just scrolling through the hundreds (thousands?) of topics?
Marco vd Heijden:
Thanks, but I found that button, and it doesn't give me what I was searching for.   The thread was one I started a few months ago, and it isn't (or at least I can't find it) on the forum anymore.  Can I look up all my posts?   I can only see the one I posted today.
Thanks, but I found that button, and it doesn't give me what I was searching for.   The thread was one I started a few months ago, and it isn't (or at least I can't find it) on the forum anymore.  Can I look up all my posts?   I can only see the one I posted today.

If it does not give you then use other keywords.