why delete?

why delete my posts in forum ?

Thread #1. 'Which is best Broker in Forex World??' thread
Reason for deleting: Deleted as it is useless

Thread #2. 'Traders Joking' thread.
Reason: there is one Traders Joking thread on the forum opened long time ago. We should have one only Traders Joking thread on the forum (because this thread is off-topic).
So, your new Traders Joking thread is a spam.

Thread #3. 'About EURUSD' thread
Reason: We are having thread about EURUSD related to technical and fundamental analysis. We can not have many threads related to one pair for technical/fundamental analysis because it is off-topic anyway. Please, do not multiply the existing threads.

Thread #4. 'EUR/USD sleeping' thread.
Reason: see above reason.

Thread #5. 'Detailed forecast NZD/USD to July 27, 2016' thread.
Reason: as I explained - this forum is not about technical or fundamental analysis. It means that we should keep existing threads other than miltiply them. Besides, content from your post is simple copy-paste from Trading Central website (copy-paste is not allowed on the forum without link to the original int'l famous public website, and such the posts can be on one thread only: Press review thread).

Thread #6. 'Detailed forecast GBP/USD to July 27, 2016' thread.
Reason: see above reasons. Besides, your content was stolen from external website and posted by you without the link (see above reason).


If you will continuing on this spamming way - I will ban you.
I have sent PM to you with my reply because as I see - you are not reading the replies on your opened threads.

This thread will be deleted too.

Because the threads about coding, general dioscussion about trading systems and similar threads are in high priority on the forum. The technical/fundamental analysis threads (and Trading Joking thread) are off-topic for now.

It was some discussion on the forum between the moderators and the members, and the consensus was made related to the following:

  • the posts with external links (external links from int'l famous websites related to the forex and the stocks) should be place on one thread only: Press review thread; we can use 'to pocket' feature to place those posts to any other threads for example;
  • non-related off-topic content with the links can be posted on this thread only: Traders Joking (with some limitations sorry);
  • we can not open more than 4 threads in a week about technical/fundamental analysis with the exception of 3-month threads (the threads which can be opened once in 3 month) - those threads (5 or 8 threads for example) can be opened once in a 3 months .

There are similar situation in ru part of the forum with the following exception:

  • they can post external links everywhere but they are keeping one thread only for technical/fundamental analysis - this thread - and their thread is of 628 pages for now! :)

I just hope that MQ will create the special section/sub-forum or any so we can post the technical/fundametal analysis on the forum without any limitation for example.


Just an example.

We can not open more than 4 weekly threads about technical/fundamental analysis. So, I opened 2 threads with good SEO titles/names of those threads):

I opened several quarterly threads (for example: Forecast for Q3'16 - levels for USD/CNH ), and those threads will be for 3 months.

Besides, we can use this thread ( Market Condition Evaluation based on standard indicators in Metatrader 5 ) for technical/fundamental analysis too.

So, this is enough space on the forum for such a content.

But, anyway, there are the content with the high priority on the forum: programming/coding/system discussion/how-to-trade and so on, and any technical/fundamental analysis content is off-topic related to any programming/coding/system discussion/how-to-trade content on the forum.


Of course, I can create several threads in a day related to the technical analysis :) but I can not ...

So, it is the explanation.

Sergey Golubev:

Just an example.

We can not open more than 4 weekly threads about technical/fundamental analysis. So, I opened 2 threads with good SEO titles/names of those threads):

I opened several quarterly threads (for example: Forecast for Q3'16 - levels for USD/CNH ), and those threads will be for 3 months.

Besides, we can use this thread ( Market Condition Evaluation based on standard indicators in Metatrader 5 ) for technical/fundamental analysis too.

So, this is enough space on the forum for such a content.

But, anyway, there are the content with the high priority on the forum: programming/coding/system discussion/how-to-trade and so on, and any technical/fundamental analysis content is off-topic related to any programming/coding/system discussion/how-to-trade content on the forum.


Of course, I can create several threads in a day related to the technical analysis :) but I can not ...

So, it is the explanation.


Good, Your actions are correct Sergey Golubev