How to get OverlayChart indicator to work with Expert Advisor


This indicator works perfectly when attached to a chart.

However, I got a

"Zero Divide" 

error when using it in Expert Advisor.

How do I work around this line to get it to work in EA?

_PipsRatio = (_CurRangeHigh - _CurRangeLow) / (_SubRangeHigh - _SubRangeLow)


Thank you! 



//|                                                 OverlayChart.mq5 |
//|                                                                  |

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 5
#property indicator_plots   1
#property indicator_type1  DRAW_COLOR_BARS
#property indicator_color1 clrMediumSeaGreen, clrOrange
#property indicator_width1 1

//Indicator Parameters
input string SubSymbol = "CHFJPY";
input bool Mirroring = false;
extern color GridColor = Black;

//Indicator Buffers
double O[];
double H[];
double L[];
double C[];
double Color[];

// Global variables
double SubOpen[];
double SubHigh[];
double SubLow[];
double SubClose[];
string Prefix; //Indicator Prefix
int Grid = 10; //Grid Lines
int SnapPips = 10;  //Snap Pips For Grid Lines

//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
int OnInit()
   IndicatorSetString(INDICATOR_SHORTNAME, "OverLay Chart (" + SubSymbol + ")");

   SetIndexBuffer(0, O, INDICATOR_DATA);
   SetIndexBuffer(1, H, INDICATOR_DATA);
   SetIndexBuffer(2, L, INDICATOR_DATA);
   SetIndexBuffer(3, C, INDICATOR_DATA);
   SetIndexBuffer(4, Color, INDICATOR_COLOR_INDEX);
   ArraySetAsSeries(O, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(H, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(L, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(C, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(Color, true);

   PlotIndexSetDouble(0, PLOT_EMPTY_VALUE, 0);
   PlotIndexSetInteger(0, PLOT_DRAW_TYPE, DrawType);

   ArraySetAsSeries(SubOpen, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(SubHigh, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(SubLow, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(SubClose, true);


//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
        for (int _i = 1; _i <= Grid; _i ++)
        ObjectDelete(0, Prefix + "Grid" + _i );
        ObjectDelete(0, Prefix + "Price" + _i );

//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |
int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &Time[],
                const double &Open[],
                const double &High[],
                const double &Low[],
                const double &Close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
   int _BarsCount;
   double _CurRangeHigh, _CurRangeLow, _CurRangeCenter;
   double _SubRangeHigh, _SubRangeLow, _SubRangeCenter;
   double _SubPoint;
   int _SubDigit;
   double _SubOpen, _SubHigh, _SubLow, _SubClose;
   double _PipsRatio;
   double _GridPips, _GridPrice;
   int _i;

   ArraySetAsSeries(Open, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(High, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(Low, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(Close, true);
   ArraySetAsSeries(Time, true);

   ArrayInitialize(O, 0);
   ArrayInitialize(H, 0);
   ArrayInitialize(L, 0);
   ArrayInitialize(C, 0);

   //Calculate Visible Bars
   _BarsCount = ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_VISIBLE_BARS) + 1;
   int _FirstBar = ChartGetInteger(0, CHART_FIRST_VISIBLE_BAR);
   int _LastBar = _FirstBar - _BarsCount + 1;
   if ( _LastBar < 0 ) {
      _LastBar = 0;
      _BarsCount = _FirstBar + 1;

   //Calculate Chart Ratio
   _CurRangeHigh = High[ArrayMaximum(High, _LastBar, _BarsCount)];
   _CurRangeLow = Low[ArrayMinimum(Low, _LastBar, _BarsCount)];
   _CurRangeCenter = (_CurRangeHigh + _CurRangeLow) / 2;

   CopyOpen(SubSymbol, 0, _LastBar, _BarsCount, SubOpen);
   CopyHigh(SubSymbol, 0, _LastBar, _BarsCount, SubHigh);
   CopyLow(SubSymbol, 0, _LastBar, _BarsCount, SubLow);
   CopyClose(SubSymbol, 0, _LastBar, _BarsCount, SubClose);

   double SubMax = SubHigh[ArrayMaximum(SubHigh)];
   double SubMin = SubLow[ArrayMinimum(SubLow)];

   if (Mirroring)
      _SubRangeHigh = SubMin;
      _SubRangeLow = SubMax;
      _SubRangeHigh = SubMax;
      _SubRangeLow = SubMin;

   _SubRangeCenter = (_SubRangeHigh + _SubRangeLow) / 2;
   _SubPoint = SymbolInfoDouble(SubSymbol, SYMBOL_POINT);
   _SubDigit = SymbolInfoInteger(SubSymbol, SYMBOL_DIGITS);

   _PipsRatio = (_CurRangeHigh - _CurRangeLow) / (_SubRangeHigh - _SubRangeLow);

   _GridPips = (_SubRangeHigh - _SubRangeLow) / Grid;
   _GridPips = MathRound((_SubRangeHigh - _SubRangeLow) / Grid / (_SubPoint * SnapPips)) * (_SubPoint * SnapPips);

   //Draw Candlesticks
        for (_i = _LastBar; _i < _LastBar + _BarsCount; _i++)
      int i = _i - _LastBar;
      _SubOpen = SubOpen[i] - _SubRangeCenter;
      _SubHigh = SubHigh[i] - _SubRangeCenter;
      _SubLow = SubLow[i] - _SubRangeCenter;
      _SubClose = SubClose[i] - _SubRangeCenter;

      if (Mirroring)
         if (_SubOpen < _SubClose)
            H[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubHigh * _PipsRatio;
            L[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubLow * _PipsRatio;
            Color[_i] = 0;
            L[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubLow * _PipsRatio;
            H[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubHigh * _PipsRatio;
            Color[_i] = 1;
         C[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubClose * _PipsRatio;
         O[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubOpen * _PipsRatio;
         if (_SubOpen < _SubClose)
            H[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubHigh * _PipsRatio;
            L[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubLow * _PipsRatio;
            Color[_i] = 0;
            L[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubLow * _PipsRatio;
            H[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubHigh * _PipsRatio;
            Color[_i] = 1;
         C[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubClose * _PipsRatio;
         O[_i] = _CurRangeCenter + _SubOpen * _PipsRatio;

        for (_i = 1; _i <= Grid; _i ++)
      _GridPrice = MathRound(_SubRangeCenter / (_SubPoint * SnapPips)) * (_SubPoint * SnapPips);
      _GridPrice = ((_GridPrice + _GridPips / 2) + _GridPips * (Grid / 2 - 1)) - (_GridPips * (_i - 1));

                ObjectCreate(0, Prefix + "Grid" + _i, OBJ_TREND, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, Prefix + "Grid" + _i, OBJPROP_TIME, 0, Time[_FirstBar]);
      ObjectSetDouble(0, Prefix + "Grid" + _i, OBJPROP_PRICE, 0, _CurRangeCenter + (_GridPrice - _SubRangeCenter) * _PipsRatio);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, Prefix + "Grid" + _i, OBJPROP_TIME, 1, Time[_LastBar]);
      ObjectSetDouble(0, Prefix + "Grid" + _i, OBJPROP_PRICE, 1, _CurRangeCenter + (_GridPrice - _SubRangeCenter) * _PipsRatio);
                ObjectSetInteger(0, Prefix + "Grid" + _i, OBJPROP_COLOR, GridColor);
                ObjectSetInteger(0, Prefix + "Grid" + _i, OBJPROP_STYLE, STYLE_DOT);
                ObjectSetInteger(0, Prefix + "Grid" + _i, OBJPROP_WIDTH, 1);
                ObjectSetInteger(0, Prefix + "Grid" + _i, OBJPROP_RAY_RIGHT, true);

                ObjectCreate(0, Prefix + "Price" + _i, OBJ_TEXT, 0, 0, 0);
      ObjectSetInteger(0, Prefix + "Price" + _i, OBJPROP_TIME, 0, Time[_FirstBar - _BarsCount / 10]);
      ObjectSetDouble(0, Prefix + "Price" + _i, OBJPROP_PRICE, 0, _CurRangeCenter + (_GridPrice - _SubRangeCenter) * _PipsRatio);
                ObjectSetInteger(0, Prefix + "Price" + _i, OBJPROP_COLOR, GridColor);
      ObjectSetString(0, Prefix + "Price" + _i, OBJPROP_TEXT, DoubleToString(_GridPrice, _SubDigit));

!!! Helping for free by coding of simple mql4(5) task.
!!! Helping for free by coding of simple mql4(5) task.
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