how does a trader make profit/get paid


hello everybody out there,


I was just confused as how does the trader gets paid when he makes profitable tarde

from where does the finally money comes from,is it from the broker or from banks,or from some where else.

how does the money gets rototaed,and how the trader gets its profit share.


if u have knowledge about it,please share with me and make me also knowledgable. 


I advice you to read "Trading for a living" for Alexander Edler ... or may be hear his audio files of the book (pdf or mp3).

If you do search for them (or the book), you will find them for free.

All your questions has been answered there and also you will know all the logic behind the financial markets. 

Osama Shaban:

I advice you to read "Trading for a living" for Alexander Edler ... or may be hear his audio files of the book (pdf or mp3).

If you do search for them (or the book), you will find them for free.

All your questions has been answered there and also you will know all the logic behind the financial markets. 

I have been reading this,but it gives more knowledge about trading psycology.


I basically want to understand,from where does this money comes out of a profitable trade,who is behind that money,does it being paid by broker or by banks 


I have been reading this,but it gives more knowledge about trading psycology.


I basically want to understand,from where does this money comes out of a profitable trade,who is behind that money,does it being paid by broker or by banks 

I apologise,everything is there,i got the concept.