MT4 cannot connect broker platform

Hi All, My MT4 cannot connect to my broker frim. I don't change any setting. Is it any problem? please see right hand corner of the pic 
Try on Monday (tomorrow) - some brokers are disconnecting MT4 during the weekend for some time.

Hi all, I lost my authorization ta gain access to the mt4 platform, i.e my login, password and server

how do i get them back?



please see attached, I cannot connet to my broker firm, forgot to write down all the details' please assist

Thank you


Hi Sergey

it's friday and I cant connect to my mt4 broker server, should i wait for Monday? or do you have another suggestion




please see attached, I cannot connet to my broker firm, forgot to write down all the details' please assist

Thank you

Hi, you should check your email. username and password usually sent to your email after account is created.