Error 10036 Position already closed even when you can print position ID


I am running the strategy tester but keeps getting error 10036- position already closed!! The returned message fron the server has the position ID supposing it is an open position!!!!

Your help will be grately appreciated .

error 10036 

Help with what ? Show your code !
Samuel Oyeniyi:

I am running the strategy tester but keeps getting error 10036- position already closed!! The returned message fron the server has the position ID supposing it is an open position!!!!

Your help will be grately appreciated .


           if ( (PositionsTotal()>0) &&   (PositionSelect(Symbol())==true)){           
         if (((ENUM_POSITION_TYPE)PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE)==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) &&  (myPosition.StopLoss()==0) ){ 
           //--- preparing a request
            MqlTradeRequest request;
            //--- placing an immediate order
            //--- instrument
            //--- Stop Loss 
                        if (StringSubstr(Symbol(),3,3)=="JPY"){
   + (STL*_Point*100+mySymbol.StopsLevel()*_Point),_Digits);
   + (STL*_Point+mySymbol.StopsLevel()*_Point),_Digits);}
            //--- Take Profit is not specified
             if (StringSubstr(Symbol(),3,3)=="JPY"){
   - (TKP*_Point*100+mySymbol.StopsLevel()*_Point),_Digits);
 - (TKP*_Point+mySymbol.StopsLevel()*_Point),_Digits);}
           // MqlTradeResult result;
            MqlTradeCheckResult CheckResult;
            //--- sending the order
            if(OrderCheck(mrequest,CheckResult)) {OrderSend(mrequest,mresult);}
               //--- printing the server response to the log  
               Print(CheckResult.retcode,"  -error ");
               Print(,"  ","  <sell sl "," Bprice=",Bprice," Sprice=",Sprice," id=",myPosition.Identifier()+" tikect="+myPosition.Ticket()+",HistoryOrdersTotal()=",HistoryOrdersTotal()+" HTicket"+myHistory.Ticket());


    Any update on this. Am facing the same error, ie Position is already open, however when a MqlTradeRequest with action = TRADE_ACTION_SLTP, is sent a Position Closed error 10036 is returned. This works fine in demo, but not in real account.





Samuel Oyeniyi:

I am running the strategy tester but keeps getting error 10036- position already closed!! The returned message fron the server has the position ID supposing it is an open position!!!!

Your help will be grately appreciated .


i think you must use  myPosition.Select(Symbol())

Samuel Oyeniyi:

I am running the strategy tester but keeps getting error 10036- position already closed!! The returned message fron the server has the position ID supposing it is an open position!!!!

Your help will be grately appreciated .


It is not clear if your trade account support hedging? For hedging account you should go through all pisitions on selested symbol
Rashid Umarov:
It is not clear if your trade account support hedging? For hedging account you should go through all pisitions on selested symbol

Hi Rashid,

    In my case the account supports hedging, and I can see the position in 'Trade' tab. My code is as follows:


int total = (int) PositionsTotal();
for ( int i = 0; i < total; i++ ) 
   if ( PositionSelect( PositionGetSymbol( i )))
      if ( PositionGetSymbol( i ) != _Symbol )
      // Send MQL MqlTradeRequest to modify the SL, which gives position closed error





Hi Rashid,

    In my case the account supports hedging, and I can see the position in 'Trade' tab. My code is as follows:

Why do not you use proper fucntion PositionGetTicket()?
Can use  PositionGetTicket(), but dont think it will effect the error which is being ging by  MqlTradeRequest

My broker allows hedging , but despite looping through the orders to select by index I still get error 10036 " OnTick: Position does not exist".  Am I missing something please in my code? 


2016.10.07 12:04:47.654 Zetha1.4Test (AUDUSD,M5) 10036  -error 


2016.10.07 12:04:47.654 Zetha1.4Test (AUDUSD,M5) OnTick:Position doesn't exist


      for ( int i = 0; i < total; i++ ){
       if ( PositionSelect( PositionGetSymbol( i ))){
            if ( PositionGetSymbol( i ) == Symbol() ) {
        // continue;
      // Send MQL MqlTradeRequest to modify the SL, which gives position closed error
      string symb =PositionGetSymbol( i );
         if (((ENUM_POSITION_TYPE)PositionGetInteger(POSITION_TYPE)==POSITION_TYPE_SELL) &&  (myPosition.StopLoss()==0) ){ 
           //--- preparing a request
            MqlTradeRequest request;
            //--- placing an immediate order
            //--- instrument
            //--- Stop Loss 
            //--- Take Profit is not specified
 - getBearPrice(symb),_Digits);//}
           // MqlTradeResult result;
           // ZeroMemory(result);
            MqlTradeCheckResult CheckResult;
            //--- sending the order
            if(OrderCheck(mrequest,CheckResult)) {OrderSend(mrequest,mresult);}
               //--- printing the server response to the log  
               Print(CheckResult.retcode,"  -error ");
               Print(,"  ","  <sell sl "," Bprice =",Bprice ," Sprice =",Sprice  );

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Closing a position

Alain Verleyen, 2016.04.15 08:07

When modifying or closing a position in the hedging system, make sure to specify its ticket (MqlTradeRequest::ticket). You can specify a ticket in the netting system as well, however positions are identified by a symbol name.