In mt4 exists WindowScreenShot().
Write a comment on the screen and use a informative name for the gif-file.
Is it that what you are looking for?
In mt4 exists WindowScreenShot().
Write a comment on the screen and use a informative name for the gif-file.
Is it that what you are looking for?
Thanks for your reply
But I am not a coder, I would need a ready made EA.
I would like when a trade is opened it takes screenshot of the chart, as simple as this :)
Please note there is 4 charts so if it is an EURUSD trade then screenshot must be from EURUSD chart, and so on... :)
Thanks for your help!
PS : filename can be anything such as pairname+current time, and storred in a mt4 folder.
I found this
It's ok it works great but screenshot is small, like a thumbnail.
Any idea how to get it bigger?
//+----------------------------------------------------------------+ //|MonitorScreen.mq4 | //|Copyright 2011, Trade Pro Co. | //| | //| | //| After open a trade | //| i) take a screen shot in METATRADER/expert/files | //| ii) send email to you | //| | //|+++++++++++ Global Variables (Press function Key F3) +++++++++++| //| | //| GMT_Time_Diff : Time difference between Local Time and GMT | //| Our Local Time is GMT+8 | //| EST Time is GMT-4 (The last Sunday in April) | //| EST Time is GMT-5 (The first Sunday in November) | //| | //| GMT_Time_Diff : 12*60*60 = 43200 | //| _MonitorScreen_ScreenShot : Set to "1" , take screen shot | //| _MonitorScreen_Email : Set to "1" , send email to you | //| | //+----------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2011, Trade Pro Company" #property link "" string dtbahl() { string dt = "Local Time : "+ TimeToStr(LocalTime( ),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS)+ " Est Time : "+ TimeToStr(LocalTime()-GlobalVariableGet("GMT_Time_Diff"),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS)+ " "+((Time[0]-Time[1])/60)+" mins Chart"+""+"\n"+ "Bid :"+DoubleToStr(Bid,Digits)+" Ask :"+DoubleToStr(Ask,Digits) + " High :"+DoubleToStr(High[0],Digits)+" Low :"+DoubleToStr(Low[0],Digits); return (dt) ; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| GlobalVariables initialization | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void GlobalVar_init() { if(!GlobalVariableCheck("GMT_Time_Diff")) GlobalVariableSet("GMT_Time_Diff",43200); if(!GlobalVariableCheck("_MonitorScreen_ScreenShot")) GlobalVariableSet("_MonitorScreen_ScreenShot",1); if(!GlobalVariableCheck("_MonitorScreen_Email")) GlobalVariableSet("_MonitorScreen_Email",1); } // End of bool GlobalVar_init() //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert initialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int init() { GlobalVar_init(); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| expert deinitialization function | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int deinit() { //---- //---- return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Variables define | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ int LastOpenBars = 0 ; int ticket = 0 ; int cnt = 0 ; int cmd ; string DisplayTime = ""; double OldAccountMargin = 0; int OldOrdersTotal = 0; int start() { if (OldOrdersTotal != OrdersTotal()) { OldOrdersTotal = OrdersTotal(); LastOpenBars = 0 ; } if (OldAccountMargin != AccountMargin()) { OldAccountMargin = AccountMargin(); LastOpenBars = 0 ; } if(LastOpenBars == 0) { string filename = "" ; for(cnt=OrdersTotal()-1;cnt>=0;cnt--) { if (OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS)==true) { if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol()) { cmd=OrderType(); ticket=OrderTicket(); if(cmd==OP_BUY || cmd==OP_SELL) { DisplayTime = dtbahl(); if (cmd==OP_BUY) Comment (DisplayTime,"\n","Buy at "+DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(),Digits)) ; if (cmd==OP_SELL) Comment (DisplayTime,"\n","Sell at "+DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(),Digits)) ; filename = Symbol()+"_"+ StringSubstr(("0"+Period()),StringLen("0"+Period())-2,2)+"mins"+"_"+ticket+"_Open_MS.gif"; int handle = FileOpen(filename,FILE_CSV|FILE_READ); if(handle<1) { if (GlobalVariableGet("_MonitorScreen_ScreenShot") != 0 ) {if(!WindowScreenShot(filename,570,428)) Print("WindowScreenShot error: "+GetLastError());} if (GlobalVariableGet("_MonitorScreen_Email") != 0 ) { if (cmd==OP_BUY) SendMail(OrderSymbol() +", Buy : "+ DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(),Digits)+" tp : " +DoubleToStr(OrderTakeProfit(),Digits) +" sl : "+DoubleToStr(OrderStopLoss(),Digits),"") ; if (cmd==OP_SELL) SendMail(OrderSymbol()+", Sell : "+ DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(),Digits)+" tp : " +DoubleToStr(OrderTakeProfit(),Digits) +" sl : "+DoubleToStr(OrderStopLoss(),Digits),"") ; } } else FileClose(handle); } } } } // for(cnt=OrdersTotal()-1;cnt>=0;cnt--) LastOpenBars = Bars ; } // DisplayTime = dtbahl(); Comment (DisplayTime); return(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
The reason are the small resolution values
Better use this to get a Full HD screenshot
Thks much!
Thanks much for your help!!!!!

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I would like to know if you have an EA that can take a screenshot of the chart when a trade is opened, please?
Ideally, as there is 4 charts in the mt4, for 4 pairs, it would take a screenshot of the good chart...
Thanks for your help!