EA to take screenshot of chart when trade is opened



I would like to know if you have an EA that can take a screenshot of the chart when a trade is opened, please?

Ideally, as there is 4 charts in the mt4, for 4 pairs, it would take a screenshot of the good chart...

Thanks for your help! 


In mt4 exists WindowScreenShot().

Write a comment on the screen and use a informative name for the gif-file.

Is it that what you are looking for?

Carl Schreiber:

In mt4 exists WindowScreenShot().

Write a comment on the screen and use a informative name for the gif-file.

Is it that what you are looking for?


Thanks for your reply

But I am not a coder, I would need a ready made EA.

I would like when a trade is opened it takes screenshot of the chart, as simple as this :)

Please note there is 4 charts so if it is an EURUSD trade then screenshot must be from EURUSD chart, and so on... :)
Thanks for your help!


PS : filename can be anything such as pairname+current time, and storred in a mt4 folder. 



I found this

It's ok it works great but screenshot is small, like a thumbnail.

Any idea how to get it bigger?



//|MonitorScreen.mq4                                               |
//|Copyright 2011, Trade Pro Co.                                   |
//|http://www.fxpingpong.com                                       |
//|                                                                |
//| After open a trade                                             |
//| i) take a screen shot in METATRADER/expert/files               |
//| ii) send email to you                                          |
//|                                                                |
//|+++++++++++ Global Variables (Press function Key F3) +++++++++++|
//|                                                                |
//| GMT_Time_Diff : Time difference between Local Time and GMT     |
//| Our Local Time is GMT+8                                        |
//| EST Time is GMT-4 (The last Sunday in April)                   |
//| EST Time is GMT-5 (The first Sunday in November)               |
//|                                                                |
//| GMT_Time_Diff : 12*60*60 = 43200                               |
//| _MonitorScreen_ScreenShot : Set to "1" , take screen shot      |
//| _MonitorScreen_Email : Set to "1" , send email to you          |
//|                                                                |
#property copyright "Copyright 2011, Trade Pro Company"
#property link      "http://www.fxpingpong.com"

string dtbahl()
  string dt = "Local Time : "+ TimeToStr(LocalTime( ),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS)+
       "    Est Time : "+ TimeToStr(LocalTime()-GlobalVariableGet("GMT_Time_Diff"),TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS)+
       "         "+((Time[0]-Time[1])/60)+" mins Chart"+"   tradeprocom@hotmail.com"+"\n"+
       "Bid :"+DoubleToStr(Bid,Digits)+" Ask :"+DoubleToStr(Ask,Digits) +
       " High :"+DoubleToStr(High[0],Digits)+" Low :"+DoubleToStr(Low[0],Digits);  
  return (dt) ;

//| GlobalVariables initialization                                   |
  void GlobalVar_init() 
  if(!GlobalVariableCheck("GMT_Time_Diff")) GlobalVariableSet("GMT_Time_Diff",43200); 
  if(!GlobalVariableCheck("_MonitorScreen_ScreenShot")) GlobalVariableSet("_MonitorScreen_ScreenShot",1);
  if(!GlobalVariableCheck("_MonitorScreen_Email")) GlobalVariableSet("_MonitorScreen_Email",1);
  }  // End of bool GlobalVar_init()

//| expert initialization function                                   |
int init()
//| expert deinitialization function                                 |
int deinit()
//| Variables define                                                 |

  int LastOpenBars = 0 ;
  int ticket = 0 ;  int cnt = 0 ;
  int cmd ;
  string DisplayTime = "";
  double OldAccountMargin =  0;
  int   OldOrdersTotal    =  0;
int start()
    if (OldOrdersTotal != OrdersTotal())
    OldOrdersTotal = OrdersTotal();
    LastOpenBars = 0 ;
    if (OldAccountMargin != AccountMargin())
    OldAccountMargin = AccountMargin();
    LastOpenBars = 0 ;
  if(LastOpenBars == 0)
  string filename = "" ;
    if (OrderSelect(cnt, SELECT_BY_POS)==true) 
      if (OrderSymbol() == Symbol())
        if(cmd==OP_BUY || cmd==OP_SELL)
        DisplayTime = dtbahl();
        if (cmd==OP_BUY) Comment (DisplayTime,"\n","Buy at "+DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(),Digits)) ;
        if (cmd==OP_SELL) Comment (DisplayTime,"\n","Sell at "+DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(),Digits)) ;
        filename = Symbol()+"_"+ StringSubstr(("0"+Period()),StringLen("0"+Period())-2,2)+"mins"+"_"+ticket+"_Open_MS.gif";
        int handle = FileOpen(filename,FILE_CSV|FILE_READ);
        if (GlobalVariableGet("_MonitorScreen_ScreenShot") != 0 ) 
        {if(!WindowScreenShot(filename,570,428)) Print("WindowScreenShot error: "+GetLastError());}

            if (GlobalVariableGet("_MonitorScreen_Email") != 0 ) 
            if (cmd==OP_BUY) SendMail(OrderSymbol() +", Buy : "+ DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(),Digits)+" tp : " +DoubleToStr(OrderTakeProfit(),Digits) +" sl : "+DoubleToStr(OrderStopLoss(),Digits),"") ;
            if (cmd==OP_SELL) SendMail(OrderSymbol()+", Sell : "+ DoubleToStr(OrderOpenPrice(),Digits)+" tp : " +DoubleToStr(OrderTakeProfit(),Digits) +" sl : "+DoubleToStr(OrderStopLoss(),Digits),"") ;
  } // for(cnt=OrdersTotal()-1;cnt>=0;cnt--)
  LastOpenBars = Bars ;
  } //    

  DisplayTime = dtbahl();
  Comment (DisplayTime);     

The reason are the small resolution values


 Better use this to get a Full HD screenshot


Thks much!
Thks much!
Little hint, if you place the cursor above the code you don't understand and you press F1 you'll get everything you need at once!


Thanks much for your help!!!!!