Discussion of article "Interview with Rogério Figurelli (ATC 2012)"


New article Interview with Rogério Figurelli (ATC 2012) is published:

Today we are going to talk with Rogério Figurelli (figurelli), a regular participant from Brazil that has not missed any Automated Trading Championship since 2007. This year, he also began to sell his Championship's Expert Advisor in the Market along with his other products. Rogério believes that MetaTrader 5 platform certification on the largest Brazilian exchange BM&FBOVESPA will reveal new professional developers and traders, who do not yet know the full potential of robot investors.

Rogério Figurelli (figurelli), Automated Trading Champinship 2012 Participant

Is automated trading becoming popular in Brazil? How did you get started?

In my opinion, there is still a strong resistance in this area in Brazil, due to lack of tools like MetaTrader, but I'm sure the situation will change in the next few years. I have started developing my own systems in C++ in 2003, and had the first contact with MQL4 in 2007, researching Forex and its technologies.

I started to migrate my systems to this platform, as well as to MQL5 from 2008. Currently, I'm using C++ and MQL5 in all of my systems, as well as integrating other tools and market solutions, such as Matlab.

Now that MetaTrader 5 got certified by BM&Bovespa, how this will change the life of Brazilian traders like you?

I believe it will have a big impact, allowing to popularize the use of trading systems and Expert Advisors. In practice, it will be a real revolution in quantitative area. It will open doors for the development of new professionals and traders in the area, that still don't know quantitative finance or the potential of creating investment robots.

For most traders here, trading robots are just an automation tools. The entrance of MetaTrader 5 will enable smart automatic trading systems. That is what I call investment robots.

Author: Automated-Trading