Do you use Market Profile indicator in trading?

  • 15% (9)
  • 76% (45)
  • 5% (3)
  • 3% (2)
Total voters: 59

Whats is market profile

Market Profile indicator is a powerful tool developed by a CBOT trader. Its original purpose was to graphically organize price and time information obtained during a trading session in a manner useful to traders. Today’s Forex market is quite different from what commodity futures trading was back in 1985 when Peter Steidlmayer introduced his charting instrument to the public.
Ovidiu Caslariu:
Please cite your source(s) when you copy and paste from Internet.
I do not, Thanks
Will quote the source in the future.
This is the first time i have heard about it,it seems really interesting though.

you can use it, but 'a  better together  with special ""dll for imported reals data feed  data

 you have to look on the side of Ukrainian site to sel dll and CME real data 

It's slows /delay / blokked / the mt4.. please you have to put just put this day at work and not also  the past xxxdays

with TPO  and dynamic RS it's one of my prefert indi for trade DAX 

Why most people have answered no, and do people really understand what is market profile, to give an answer to this question?