Sell Your Code - page 2


if you check out all the EA's and check each one, with real live account signal, to prove the conditions of the customers, and the programmers, you can find out that 95% of them don't make real money, they are mostly making may be 20%-30% of what they would be making in a real job as a programmer per year, and if you check carefully, those that are having more then 40 products are making money on the probability function relative to the number of customers, and the number of downloads, taking into consideration the relevance of the quality of the products.

This business is mostly a business of information science, Data mining applied to computational economics, only the top 1% who control this information are making most of the money, and if you look at the business model of MQL5 ltd. it's business model is based on information, and the selling of financial information. Not Trading, the trading platform is only 5% of the business the rest is only the money making ideas of distributing information.

How did you check this?

Where and how did you get those pretty exact numbers?  (95%, 20-30%, 40 products, top 1%, 5%)

Can you publish any statistics that can be verified? Or point to something verifiable on the internet?

Unless you present them, your discussion is in rank with average internet know-it-all trolls.  

Mohammad Soubra:
selling the code would be very expensive mostly

If you are hungry for money, and you really think that your EA is all you need for life, without needing any more work again, and you are financially free, Then I would say, that you can't sell such a code. But if you know that that EA will not beat the market, and it is not total financial freedom, then if sell your code, you are only sharing your generosity of your wisdom, to let others learn from you, and if you think that you need millions for that, may be if you have 1000 customers paying 100 USD. You would already have 100,000 USD in your back account, that way 10 products without much effort would make you a million dollars, Are you so much for hunger of money, that you don't think this is a good idea?

This message is not personally to Mohammad, as Mohammad has made the effort to share with me some of his knowledge , and it is very enlightening to know that there are people that do not look all the time how to make money, as they are honest to make money the ethical way, they do not need to hide with all kind of propaganda, and claims to fool people around. They have working proof of concepts and ideas, and their ideas do not need too much support of ads and so called historical data of trading, they just work with a live signal and show the real time results and not on specific brokers, but on all brokers.

Drazen Penic:

How did you check this?

Where and how did you get those pretty exact numbers?  (95%, 20-30%, 40 products, top 1%, 5%)

Can you publish any statistics that can be verified? Or point to something verifiable on the internet?

Unless you present them, your discussion is in rank with average internet know-it-all trolls.  

If you think I am wrong, Then I guess your own statistics of your account would be the best example of what is going on.

If you still think I am wrong, then take any five random EAs on the market and check it yourself. 


If you think I am wrong, Then I guess your own statistics of your account would be the best example of what is going on.

If you still think I am wrong, then take any five random EAs on the market and check it yourself. 


Classic "Shifting the burden of proof" fallacy - you did not present any evidence that your claim is correct, but you expect me to prove that it is incorrect.  

It is not me who pulled some data out of thin air - you did. I just pointed out you do not have any proof for your claim. 

So the burden of proof is still on you. 

Philosophic burden of proof - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In epistemology, the burden of proof (Latin: onus probandi (shorthand for Onus probandi incumbit ei qui dicit, non ei qui negat)) is the obligation on a party in a dispute to provide sufficient warrant for their position. When two parties are in a discussion and one asserts a claim that the other disputes, the one who asserts has a burden of...
Drazen Penic:


Classic "Shifting the burden of proof" fallacy - you did not present any evidence that your claim is correct, but you expect me to prove that it is incorrect.  

It is not me who pulled some data out of thin air - you did. I just pointed out you do not have any proof for your claim. 

So the burden of proof is still on you.

non ius questae.

He does not have the right mindset.
It's like taking a wonderfull well working concept and start to argue about why it is not working,
or foolishly attempting to convince others that it could do so much better without providing support structure. 
The only solution is put up or shut up as we say.
Marco vd Heijden:

I'm interested in making money. If he can somehow support his claim with hard facts, I'm all for it.

But I doubt he can.  

And I'm a bit irked with his attitude, so I had to react :) 


Dear Programmers, and Sellers.

It seems

I would suggest

You would

you will

and If

If you

if you

and if you


If you

But if you

and if you

if you

You would


If you

If you

From a coders perspective this is what i understand so far.
Drazen Penic:


Classic "Shifting the burden of proof" fallacy - you did not present any evidence that your claim is correct, but you expect me to prove that it is incorrect.  

It is not me who pulled some data out of thin air - you did. I just pointed out you do not have any proof for your claim. 

So the burden of proof is still on you. 

If everything is well and good with your income and financial progress and stability, I suppose, you are making a lot of money from the MQL Market.

But if you are not, then I suggest once again, look at 100 products from all the 6000 EAs, Random picked, and tell me, if there are 6000 products, logically what it means, that there are so many ideas attacking the market, and if you look carefully, there are only 2-4 signals that are surviving more then 3-5 months. I am not talking about manual signals, but EA signals that have been used with at least 10-20 customers with proven results. If there were such EAs then they would be famous by now.

Now if you still think that I am talking nonsense, I guess you are addicted so much to believing that you will come out with the best results, And I pray to god that you may do so, but not on the time of what ever you consider your free time.

Marco vd Heijdennon ius questae.
He does not have the right mindset.
It's like taking a wonderfull well working concept and start to argue about why it is not working,
or foolishly attempting to convince others that it could do so much better without providing support structure. 
The only solution is put up or shut up as we say.
The fact that you think your ideas may find it's day of light, and telling me to shut up, means that you really don't believe in logical thinking, you want to silence the freedom of voice, and I wonder why? Do you know that people who are really really rich, do not need to play too many games in order to enjoy the support and contribution to society, they make money confidently without manipulating customers, those who are manipulating do you think they are enjoying themselves on the soul level, I don't think so, they are most likely very sad, and don't have true friends, they need to struggle in life, and they don't find any peace of mind. By the way, do you find peace of mind by tell me to shut up?

It's just how these things work.

There is no room for meaningless claims.