chart accumulatiom


dear  all

In MT4 if you repeatedly use strategy tester ,here is  no accumulation of charts in chart area.

But when you use strategy tester with MT5 ,chart get crowded in chart area.

My query is ,will it lead to crashing of the PC ?

If I understood you correctly, you need to disable the "Auto Open Chart" in the context menu of the Results tab of the strategy tester. Next time no chart will be opened at the end of testing.
Documentation on MQL5: Chart Operations / ChartOpen
Documentation on MQL5: Chart Operations / ChartOpen
Chart Operations / ChartOpen - Documentation on MQL5

thank you for the information


If I understood you correctly, you need to disable the "Auto Open Chart" in the context menu of the Results tab of the strategy tester. Next time no chart will be opened at the end of testing.