<this topic is a joke created for "fun"> - page 5


You can not make 50% on every trade on a non 100% win rate it is impossible and these limits apply to everyone else.


Hi again my friends, that concept of impossible really bothers me,  just because you cant do it, you assume your limits aplly to everyone else. This is a fallacy, you cant

 prove something doesnt exist, its logically impossible. I'm not saying i have a 100% win strategy, i say i have a pretty good one that almost never lose, but even about a 100% win strategy, theoretically 

speaking, its possible to do with infinite different strategies, just because i cant prove it doesnt exist, i'm forced to  assume it exists. Our minds are conditioned by school, culture to think in a certain way, 

 i can create a really simple killing trading strategy even 100% win, just thinking outside the box ( tough i'm not saying i have one of such win win strategy). In trading, such strategies must be 

 easy to make, if you have an "outside the box thinking process", because it's about colletive thinking, and people and economy colletivelly are very predictable, even in stupid ways,  if you are smart enough you can make a lot here.

Ok you can say that personally you never met anyone doing this, so its impossible, but you never really know, even your neighboor can be a millionaire forex trader, he can be a discrete person, you would never really know

 everyone in this market, my theory is that as everyone making big digits are smart, and so smart as coincidence to keep his mouth shut, even Warren Bufett's son never knew he was making millions on stock market, they grew up like normal people.

So my point is ok you dont believe me, its not a problem, the problem is using a fallacy saying something doesnt exist, when what happens is that you havent yet found for yourself, but you can allways change this mentallity and open your mind

What is the POINT of this thread? I think you want people to contact you and pay you for your useless non real EA? You are trying to RIP PEOPLE OFF!!!! Prove me wrong, show us some real proof that your strategy works. You are just talking words, words and words... Till then... this is BS!!! 

And when I check your signals.... Who are you fooling? LOL This is more like 50% daily loss not profit ;))))



You have attached a picture of David Raine signal who clearly shows in one of his post on this topic that he do not believe what the topic creator states.

Hi again fellows, that signal clearly isnt mine, i dont sell signals. In this post my intention was just find  traders with really simple setups (but modified from common used indicators) just like mine, with only 4 or 5 differents steps,  that shows me the trend. I could prove 

myself but the price would be revealling how it works. I was expecting to find for example, other people using a ridicilous simple setup with good returns, as i didnt find anyone, so i'll say to everyone, that its possible, just that. But then comes others guys saying you 

 cant do this, i have to say, teoretically speaking, there are  infinite possible different win win strategies for markets. the only problem is creativity to conceptualize them, i cant prove something doesnt exist, or a negative, because you will allways lack the proper mean of detection somehow. 

I think this is the end of this topic, everyone who wish to discuss we can discuss inbox. good day for everyone


Hi again fellows, that signal clearly isnt mine, i dont sell signals. In this post my intention was just find  traders with really simple setups (but modified from common used indicators) just like mine, with only 4 or 5 differents steps,  that shows me the trend. I could prove 

myself but the price would be revealling how it works. I was expecting to find for example, other people using a ridicilous simple setup with good returns, as i didnt find anyone, so i'll say to everyone, that its possible, just that. But then comes others guys saying you 

 cant do this, i have to say, teoretically speaking, there are  infinite possible different win win strategies for markets. the only problem is creativity to conceptualize them, i cant prove something doesnt exist, or a negative, because you will allways lack the proper mean of detection somehow. 

I think this is the end of this topic, everyone who wish to discuss we can discuss inbox. good day for everyone

Great for you. We do not care, use your strategy and go to Bahami already. I don't know what you are even doing here, wasting time xD you must be rich already. But too bad it's only in your dreams :))

Hi my fellow traders, i have a trading strategy that makes around 100% a day on forex, using 1:500 leverage, and given good liquidity market,  and one loss is very rare, like 1 in 50 times i say i can have one with a prox 30% to 50 drawdown. But the problem is that to me this strategy is to simple. How noone can see this.  I tried it on forex, stocks, futures, and work on everyone of them, so in fact very few must trade like this system, because work so well. My question is how something so simple, that uses just a modificiation of a common indicator that everyone uses, can make so much, when everyone else say that trading is so difficult. 

That's good to give a tale. You will get your answer soon.

Hi again my friends, that concept of impossible really bothers me,  just because you cant do it, you assume your limits aplly to everyone else.


You cant prove something doesnt exist, its logically impossible.

Hello guys.

I found a juice that once you can drink it, you can fly on your own for 15 minutes. 

It makes your body weight temporarily less than air so you can fly.

The ingredients are so simple.

I cannot provide you a video showing this for some reasons.

If anyone is interested on the ingredients contact me privately to discuss.

P.S.  As you cannot provide prove that this thing is not possible ,it means it is possible.

That is the same logic as stating I have a strategy giving daily returns over 40% but I cannot share account results or anything to justify my claim.

Michalis Phylactou:

Hello guys.

I found a juice that once you can drink it, you can fly on your own for 15 minutes. 

It makes your body weight temporarily less than air so you can fly.

The ingredients are so simple.

I cannot provide you a video showing this for some reasons.

If anyone is interested on the ingredients contact me privately to discuss.

P.S.  As you cannot provide prove that this thing is not possible ,it means it is possible.

That is the same logic as stating I have a strategy giving daily returns over 40% but I cannot share account results or anything to justify my claim.

I know a thing that gives the same effects but instead of drinking it you have to smoke it ;)

Hi again! You are using here a strawman fallacy, comparing two things, in fact the two are  absolutely possible, but one is matematically infinitemasely more problable. About a man flying by himself is possible, 

just because you never saw one, doesnt mean noone can do that. About trading, i think the top 5% can easily make more than 200 points a day on forex straight for weeks, for me personally is easy task, if i stay focused.

I came here exaclety looking for traders doing 200 or more pips a day with high leverage. The chart tells you all you need to know, you dont even have to see news for trading. If anyone have a good system i can prove myself, 

and we can chat privately. Thanks for all, everyone who wish to discuss we can discuss inbox. good day for everyone


About trading, i think the top 5% can easily make more than 200 points a day on forex straight for weeks, for me personally is easy task, if i stay focused.

Yes, thats your problem, you think but fact is, you don't even have a clue about trading. No pro makes 200 pips a day, because no pro wants to make 200 pips a day, on top surely not with high leverage. You disqualify yourself already with the title of this thread, and sentences like the one above just underline it.

For those who are not that experienced with trading, please read:

1. The market does not provide that amount of tradeable pips every day. By "tradeable" I mean, trades which can be entered with a clear setup and a risk reward which suits the profit factor of a professional strategy. Therefore, daytrading pros look for setups which are good for 5/10 pips. The rest is luck. And luck is not a strategy.

2. Pros dont use magic crystal balls, and above everything else, they are professional money managers. A good money manager knows his profit factor, his rate and the risk reward ratio which suits both. Any setup must be clear enough to fit into the risk-reward ratio as good as possible. For a pro who has a profit factor of lets say 1.5 and a success rate of 2:1 (which is very close to magic) needs a risk reward of exactly 1:1 to keep his results. In case of 200 pips, this means he can have risk of 200 pips too? No, he must! And if such a pro makes 200 pips a day with these pretty good parameters, the underlying pair would have to move 600!!! pips a day, which is nothing else than <>6% every day if you take the EURUSD as an example. Why? Because the profit factor in combination with the risk reward says, that there is an average of 1 losers against two winners. And this means, 400 pips win - 200 pips loss = 200 pips profit and a total range of 600 pips. Now take the EURUSD and figure out how many days you find per year in which the EURUSD, which is the most liquid underlying, made 6% a day. In 2015 there was ONE day as far as I remember, and now take point 1, and get an idea how many of such days provide three tradeable setups. The answer is surely: ZERO days remain!

3. High leverage with 200 pips. Assuming that pros are good money managers, I claim everybody agrees at this point, a high leverage of lets say only 1:100 (which is actually not that high), would mean, that only one trade which goes just 1% (which are round about 100 pips in EURUSD) into the wrong direction, would completely kill the account, whereby the margin call occurs already much earlier. But a strategy as described above needs 200 pips of risk. Regarding this and keeping the parameters, assuming furthermore that 2% max risk per trade is ok, the mathematical remaining maximal leverage would be 1:1 - in other words: NO leverage at all. With 10% risk per trade, which is surely already gambling, its still not more than 1:5. 

Besides anything else, these three points are evidence enough, that the only strategy behind all this is obviously to kill an account as fast as possible. Nothing else.

I am looking forward to the arguments of the thread creator - if he has any.

Edit: And even if it will be claimed that the 200 pips are divided into smaller movements and trades, this would just mean, that the number of tradeable setups doubles with every divison. Three clear setups a day is already a pretty good average for a professional daytrader, but six is already exceptional. And more is addiction and by this gambling again, surely not trading.