Indicators: Alligator Signal


Alligator Signal:

Buy and Sell arrows for Alligator signals.

AlligatorSignal GBPUSD M30

Author: Xuefei Xiong


please help where in this code indicator to put alert buy/sell correctly, I cant find the right place to put alert, maybe someone can better understand this indicator

sell alert

double PriceBid = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);

Alert(Period()," Sell  ",Symbol()," AT ", PriceBid ));

buy alert

double PriceAsk = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);

Alert(Period()," Buy  ",Symbol()," AT ",  PriceAsk  )); 

idealy the alert only popup when signal status changes  when buy-become-sell or sell-become-buy, but its ok if alert shown in any buy/sell arrow creation.

Thank you

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