How to cancel a job on freelance?


Hi Guys,

 Please help, my funds are locked in freelance due to an ongoing project, however, the freelancer did not do the job and was not responding to my messages anymore. I need help to cancel the project so that I can unlock the funds.



Hi Guys,

 Please help, my funds are locked in freelance due to an ongoing project, however, the freelancer did not do the job and was not responding to my messages anymore. I need help to cancel the project so that I can unlock the funds.


If you have reached a certain stage of development, you should see this at the top of the job screen in the messages you have been sending to the developer


If deviation from requirements specified occurred during work under this Order, you can request arbitration to resolve the situation.


The is a link there to request arbitration. If you don't see that or can't find it, you will need to send a message to the service desk to have the job cancelled