HCC file format


I am looking for HCC file struct definitions similar to MT4's HST files. Can you please point me from where I can get this from? Thanks 

Faisal Mahmood:

I am looking for HCC file struct definitions similar to MT4's HST files. Can you please point me from where I can get this from? Thanks 

It's proprietary format, not available publicly.

Though some projects work on this, please use Google to find them.

Alain Verleyen:

It's proprietary format, not available publicly.

Though some projects work on this, please use Google to find them.

All other platforms do support import and changes to data. Why is the HCC file format not published publicly?

I want to be able to change/export/import the data used for back-testing and optimization. Is the format similar to HST files?


Please see here: http://reverseengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/8003/need-ideas-to-reverse-engineer-this-hcc-file-format

(Sequence order of

"1 byte, char | small int spread
1 byte, char | small int tick volume"

actually is the other way around)

Need Ideas to Reverse Engineer this HCC file format
Need Ideas to Reverse Engineer this HCC file format
  • reverseengineering.stackexchange.com
We made some progress by converting the CSV to hcc file; however, MT5 is deleting the file. Attached is our code. Can someone help us?

Even more useful: http://www.tripleheinz.com - download and start "HCC Explorer"

  • Heinz Traub
  • www.tripleheinz.com
Here you'll find my crazy software ideas (and some others too). I just hope they can be useful to you. I'm working as fast as I can to port most of my ideas to downloable software or online content. Thank you for visiting my site. Heinz Traub