MT4 chart window order getting mixed up. Help?


Hello friends, I've been struggling to get the arranged order of my MT4 charts to stay in place. I carefully open the chart windows in the order I prefer, and toggle through them windows with CTRL-F6, and it works properly for a short while but then the order inevitably starts to become random, switching from window 1-5-2-6, etc. What governs the order and how can I keep it normal? Thanks for your help.


Hello friends, I've been struggling to get the arranged order of my MT4 charts to stay in place. I carefully open the chart windows in the order I prefer, and toggle through them windows with CTRL-F6, and it works properly for a short while but then the order inevitably starts to become random, switching from window 1-5-2-6, etc. What governs the order and how can I keep it normal? Thanks for your help.

I get it right...

The charts in MT5 are automatically changed in the order of activated windows.

I mean, lets's say there are 2 charts shown, "A" and "B".

if you touch/activate "A" chart and click on the "Arrange" button, then "A" chart comes left and "B" chart comes right automatically.

if you touch/activate "B" chart and click on the "Arrange" button, then "B" chart comes left and "A" chart comes right automatically.

 This is actually very inconvenient movement for me. I want the same movement as MT4 so that I can always have my own favorite charts order on the screen.


Hello MT5 team,

please fix this design or at least please let us choose which method to use. MT5 is greater than MT4 in many parts; however, only this part is unuseful and annoying.

Thanks in advance!

  1. Been this way forever.
  2. Hello MT5 team, please fix this design
    This is a user's forum not Metaquotes.
  3. I drag the tabs to the order I want. Then press the arrange non-overlap (Alt-R,) double click on one and the order is restored :(until it's not.)