default user directory

how to reconfig MT5 default user directory from  C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\6F9C869F6858C85D7809F35BE65FFDE3\MQL5 to a directory of my choice?

Please refer to the "Start Terminal" section of the user guide.

Data is stored there when the terminal is installed to a system folder (folder of OS, Program Files) and a user's rights to write into it are limited. And also it happens in the following situations:

  • The UAC (User Activity Control) system is enabled.
  • A user is logs in the system using a remote connection (RDP, Remote Desktop Protocol).
how to reconfig MT5 default user directory from  C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\6F9C869F6858C85D7809F35BE65FFDE3\MQL5 to a directory of my choice?

Hi williamwong

You may want to Google this OR Juntions OR SymbolicLinks.




I THINK running with the command line option of /portable will force it to use YOUR directory.

Not sure about the Strategy Tester though... that thing's still got me a little confused.

ZACHY... why don't you try answering the question next time... or keep your mouth shut if you don't know the answer?


  This platform is a piece of SHIT!

I don't mind the code changes... but I have no idea what my strategy testing is actually testing right now.

I make a change and I DON'T see it in my test.... wtf? 



I THINK running with the command line option of /portable will force it to use YOUR directory.

Not sure about the Strategy Tester though... that thing's still got me a little confused.

ZACHY... why don't you try answering the question next time... or please don't reply if you don't know the answer?


  This platform is a piece of cake

I don't mind the code changes... but I have no idea what my strategy testing is actually testing right now.

I make a change and I DON'T see it in my test.... why 

Hi dougie_II,

You may want to moderate your writing, coz mod/admid may not like it. Just to remind you, the # 1 rule when registering is to be polite in communicating in forum

If you read the link that Alexx gave, the /portable command will set to the directory where MT5 is installed. Try that, coz I try that before. The reason why it's called "portable" coz that /portable command is useful when MT5 is installed in external portable memory such USB flash drive or external hard drive.

Williamwong question was "... to a directory of my choice ? ". Windows actually has it, generally its called location re-direct. Basically we can access the content of a folder while the content of this folder is actually located in another folder. For example, in Vista/7, try to open property of personal folder (my document, picture, etc) and we will see location tab, where we can re-direct the access to that folder to somewhere else. 

Try the Google link I gave and one of the results will be this software which have detailed explanation on how to redirect the content of a folder to another folder (or to access the content of another folder from somewhere else)

Please try that before replying :) coz I tried what I write here.