How is the spacing of the grid function in Metatrader determined?



I tried searching and couldn't find an answer to this question.

I notice that the grid function spacing in Metatrader varies between different instruments and different timeframes.   Does anyone know how this grid spacing is determined?


Nice question the vertical lines i realized are a sequence i mean zoom to the max and between 2 vertical lines are 1 bar zoom 1 step back and there are 2 then 4 then 8 then 16...32 and the horizontal line i dont know which fraction is taking.

Damian Mateusz Dziadosz:
Nice question the vertical lines i realized are a sequence i mean zoom to the max and between 2 vertical lines are 1 bar zoom 1 step back and there are 2 then 4 then 8 then 16...32 and the horizontal line i dont know which fraction is taking.

The horizontal lines are 1/20 of highest quote ( i mean the one you drawn ) and the lowest quote. Example: Top corner showing 2.12380 bottom showing 2.09580 then every grid will be 14 pips.

thank you Damian for the response~
You are welcome :)