Can i make around 5000€ a mounth from making the right EA (i am making the EA not buys it !) - page 3

Yogie Pratama:
maybe you forget the important thing. Trading strategy. First you must have proven MANUAL trading strategy, code it into an EA to make your strategy automatic based on your trading strategy rules. You can code an EA but your trading strategy not profitable. Even your EA have nice algorithm but in your EA the trading strategy suck, You'll end up margin call

I disagree.

Not all robots are an attempt to automated manual strategy's.

yes u can, depends on your strategy and initial deposit
Khurram Mustafa:
  initial deposit

lets say 50€ its the start.


Guys its ok :D the problem is u have 1000000 of options so this is a big discipline XD one thinks this and the other this :D but i got it now u just need the right "ingredients" if u may....

Ou and for thous who say its not possible...... dam dont want to be u guys xD........ 1st rule of programming? its always your fault! ;)


just to give you an idea of trying to make 5000 euros per month, if you start with 1000 you would need to make 5% a day (which is very achievable from what you say with your EA) for 30 days and like magic your balance would be 5418.38,

continue and you would really become a millionaire. 

Serge Shammas:

just to give you an idea of trying to make 5000 euros per month, if you start with 1000 you would need to make 5% a day (which is very achievable from what you say with your EA) for 30 days and like magic your balance would be 5418.38,

continue and you would really become a millionaire. 

how abaut 40% a day xD ah i shall not tal her enymore the mql is week and peapol dont think more ahead ! ;) (it works!) and by :D