How to get THV Trend indicator value ?



I am trying to use iCustom to  get THV Trend's value.

Here's  my code

   double THVTrendDwn = iCustom(NULL,0,"THV trend",0,1);
   double THVTrendUp = iCustom(NULL,0,"THV trend",1,1);
   double THVTrendFlat = iCustom(NULL,0,"THV trend",2,1);

It always return 0 for those 3 variables.

Can anyone please suggest how should I correct my code to get the correct value ?

Thank you :) 

Are you sure you are calling the indicator with exactly the correct name?


I am trying to use iCustom to  get THV Trend's value.

Here's  my code

It always return 0 for those 3 variables.

Can anyone please suggest how should I correct my code to get the correct value ?

Thank you :) 

you must write indicator name exactly as file called. "thv3_trend"
Thanks a lot guys, it my fault I was calling incorrectname :)