free the DLL


Dear all,

I wrote a dll function, so that I can extend mql4. But I found there is no way to release the dll file unless I close the terminal. This is not a big problem, but very annoying while developing and upgrading the dll.

Does anyone can provide a solution? Just like when the indicator and expert call DeInit function will also release the dll?

Best wishes and happy new years.


Outsource .dll are not allowed, Please contact service desk or moderators, they will guide you proper
Khurram Mustafa:
Outsource .dll are not allowed, Please contact service desk or moderators, they will guide you proper

Hi Khurram,

I am not outsourcing dll file. I just wondering the mechanism of mt4 in releasing (free locking) the dll after calling the dll

Best wishes,



May I describe the problem in more specify way.

I have two ways to write the dll, one is use c++ dllmain (of course this is requiring more skills); another is to use c# unmanaged exports dll.

I observed that using c++ (dllmain), the life cycle of the dll seems like the following:

for example if I use my dll in expert in init()

Init() --> begin calling the dll --> (lock the dll file) dll computation  --> (release the dll) --> complete Init()

after the dll call completed, DLL_PROCESS_DETACH is called.

I can delete the dll file after the init() is complete.

In C# the life cycle is different:

for example if I use my dll in expert in init()

Init() --> begin calling the dll --> (lock the dll file) dll computation  --> complete Init() --> dll is still locked.

after unload the expert, dll still locked. The only way to completely unload the dll is to close the terminal.

I can delete the dll file after close the MT4.

I have googled that c# unmanaged exports do not have dllmain. May be that is the cause.

I  use C# to write my dll, (more familiar with c#) as c# provide singleton more easily. (C++ also have singleton, but after the DLL_PROCESS_DETACH, no more single instance).

If there is anyone can have comments on the issue that creating c++ singleton in the dll consumed by MT4 would be great.

