Problem with debugging


Hi, i have problems debugging my EA.

When I start the debugger it runs and suddenly exists it again without even coming to my break point in the first line of OnInit().

Does anybody know this problem? I don't know if this has anything to do with the problem, but in the Journal tab of the editor there is the line

Cpp compiler    MS Visual Studio compiler is not installed in the system or failed initializing the compiler

Cany anybody help?

cheers, Pippo


Please make sure that you run debugging using hot key F5 (or Run command) in metaeditor and breakpoint are placed on the first statement of OnInit function.

You also can use DebugBreak function to place breakpoint in your source code.

If it doesn't help you, you better write to service desk. Do not forget to provide your OS type, build number, screenshots of metaeditor with placed breakpoints and EA sources.

Documentation on MQL5: Common Functions / DebugBreak
Common Functions / DebugBreak - Documentation on MQL5

Hi Alex, thanks for your post!

Now i found the problem, i had an EA attached to my default template!

Cheers, pippo