Importing function from dll problems.


Hello guys,

I'm not quite sure what am i doing wrong yet i have spend about 4 hours on this problem and somehow i just don't know the mistake.



#define MTpublic __declspec(dllexport)

using namespace std; 

void MTpublic  __stdcall spinit(int in)




__declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall Hello(char *say)


cout << say << endl;


void MTpublic  __stdcall spend(int in)





expert's code in mt4: 

#import "MTsparklyAI.dll"

void spinit(int);

void spend(int);

void Hello(string say);


int OnInit()



   Hello( "testing" );



void OnDeinit(const int reason)




MqlTick tick;

void OnTick()


   SymbolInfoTick(_Symbol, tick);

   Print( "bid:",, " ask:", tick.ask, " time:", tick.time, " last:", tick.last );




Function spend and spinit works fine but Hello doesn't work.

Experts window says:

2015.10.28 19:41:06.894 Testing EURCHF,M1: unresolved import function call

2015.10.28 19:41:06.894 Cannot find 'Hello' in 'MTsparklyAI.dll'

What am i doing wrong here?
Also, somewhy it doens't allow void func() either

 spend don't need params yet if it doens't have one, mt don't find the function. 


tried to import it 2 ways:

#import "MTsparklyAI.dll"

void spend();



#import "MTsparklyAI.dll"

void spend(void);



also double checked if in dll function looks the same and it does but still...
Any ideas what is going on?


it appears that metatrader's string is not char in c++, its wchar_t ( windows 2 byte char  )

__declspec(dllexport) void __stdcall Hello(wchar_t *say)


char in[32];

get_string(say, in, 31);

cout << in << endl;


void get_string(wchar_t *in, char *out, int ilen)


for (int a = 0; a < ilen; a++)


if (!in[a])


out[a] = 0;



out[a] = (char)in[a];
