How to print "Last" tick price (current tick price)


Hi, before I write a custom "Last" code, is there a simple way to return and print the current tick price, tick by tick?

They have Bid, and Ask but not Last, which seems kind of basic info that most people would want to refer to.




There is no specific tick price. Price comes in Ask and Bid all the time. You always see Bid price on the chart.

If you want to see Ask price as well on your chart, press F8, or Chart properties then look for the option for the Ask price.

Put this code preferably in the beginning of the start( ) function ... 

   Comment("\n Ask = ",Ask,"\nBid = ",Bid);

 I wish this clears the matter if I completely understand your question ...

Good luck .... 

Osama Shaban:

There is no specific tick price. Price comes in Ask and Bid all the time. You always see Bid price on the chart.

If you want to see Ask price as well on your chart, press F8, or Chart properties then look for the option for the Ask price.

Put this code preferably in the beginning of the start( ) function ... 

 I wish this clears the matter if I completely understand your question ...

Good luck .... 

Thanks OS, Yes and no. As a stock trader the idea of a Bid only bar chart is mostly useless for technical analysis. Moving averages for example will always be off balance if they're based only on one side of the trade. Any reference to the MA will then also be skewed, because a bid only bar is actually HALF of a bar only. I'm not getting why a stock chart bar is made of both bid and ask prices but a forex chart is not? Makes not sense why they would even create such a one sided visual representation of a market. Seeing a horizontal Ask Line is of little value either because you cannot see the historical pattterns or highs the true price action. Price action is in fact, bid and ask both.  Thanks very much for your time and help.  Forex market is nuts. Traded stocks for many years and what you see is what you get on a chart. Forex is what you see is only half of what you get.  I guess they have a reason, but to me it's a flawed model of a chart.