Indonesian Member - page 224


kutu loncat tetep loncat... wakaka... dan sekarang cowok selalu benar dong... hththt.. apa hubungannya ya ?... emang market itu cewek ?? pantesan bisa membuat deposit jd margin call...untuk uang dapur..... hahaha

8840770952017.11.17 17:47:14sell1.00gold1285.670.000.002017.11.20 19:06:581278.630.000.000.15704.00
8840773372017.11.17 17:53:50sell3.00gold1285.640.000.002017.11.20 19:06:571278.630.000.000.452 103.00
8840775272017.11.17 17:59:14sell3.00gold1286.350.000.002017.11.20 19:06:571278.630.000.000.452 316.00
8840781292017.11.17 18:04:46sell1.00gold1287.520.000.002017.11.20 17:00:311286.410.000.000.15111.00
8840991292017.11.20 03:35:24sell1.00gold1291.670.000.002017.11.20 05:23:391291.590.
8841038562017.11.20 06:26:14sell1.00gold1291.510.000.002017.11.20 08:02:061291.470.
8841072162017.11.20 08:03:00buy0.01gold1291.570.000.002017.11.20 14:28:121291.600.
8841072482017.11.20 08:03:12buy1.00gold1291.560.000.002017.11.20 14:28:121291.600.
8841073182017.11.20 08:03:52buy1.00gold1291.480.000.002017.11.20 14:28:111291.600.000.000.0012.00
8841073742017.11.20 08:04:29buy1.00gold1291.280.000.002017.11.20 14:28:111291.600.000.000.0032.00
8841074512017.11.20 08:05:34buy1.00gold1291.120.000.002017.11.20 14:28:111291.610.000.000.0049.00
8841289622017.11.20 14:29:38sell1.00gold1291.310.000.002017.11.20 15:55:271289.640.000.000.00167.00
8841289712017.11.20 14:30:29sell1.00gold1291.410.000.002017.11.20 15:55:201289.450.000.000.00196.00

Gross Profit:20 991.96Gross Loss:13.63Total Net Profit:20 978.33
Profit Factor:1540.13Expected Payoff:37.66 
Absolute Drawdown:0.00Maximal Drawdown:9.44 (0.06%)Relative Drawdown:0.06% (9.44)
Total Trades:557Short Positions (won %):328 (98.48%)Long Positions (won %):229 (99.13%)
Profit Trades (% of total):550 (98.74%)Loss trades (% of total):7 (1.26%)
Largestprofit trade:2 316.45loss trade:-9.44
Averageprofit trade:38.17loss trade:-1.95
Maximumconsecutive wins ($):185 (8 804.32)consecutive losses ($):1 (-9.44)
Maximalconsecutive profit (count):8 977.09 (111)consecutive loss (count):-9.44 (1)
Averageconsecutive wins:69consecutive losses:1

ni akun real ya bro?

Muhammad Bages:

ni akun real ya bro?

Jelas ini pake kutu loncat atau tupai yang bermain inih

kayaknya diatas pohon bisa loncat sana sini dengan mudahnya

Muhammad Bages:

iam from INDONESIA also. one of seller signal here at

Selamat dtg bro...  Bgmn prediksi XAUUSD ke depan?  Teknik apa yg ente pakai? 
Muhammad Bages:

iam from INDONESIA also. one of seller signal here at

Kok di hapus bro?  Scalper forex ya. 
Kok di hapus bro?  Scalper forex ya. 
Lahhh gk tau ane.  Ane gk pernah hapus kok. Iya scalper
Muhammad Bages:
Lahhh gk tau ane.  Ane gk pernah hapus kok. Iya scalper

apa perlu ane posting ulang?

Muhammad Bages:

apa perlu ane posting ulang?

Gk usah bro,  dari admin mungkin. Ente pake teknik apa trading?  Dari mana indonesianya?  Pengajar juga ya? 
Gk usah bro,  dari admin mungkin. Ente pake teknik apa trading?  Dari mana indonesianya?  Pengajar juga ya? 
Kalau begitu kita chat lewat message.  Udh ane add ente
Muhammad Bages:
Kalau begitu kita chat lewat message.  Udh ane add ente
Disini jg gkpp sembari ngopi + udud bareng sama temen2.
Disini jg gkpp sembari ngopi + udud bareng sama temen2.

Gone with the winnnnn.... close baru ngopi + udud bareng sama temen2.... wakaka... hajar Brooo

8841335912017.11.20 17:02:07buy1.00gold1286.610.000.002017.11.22 16:44:571286.950.000.00-0.70    34.00
8841504962017.11.21 04:01:29buy1.00gold1279.620.000.002017.11.22 16:44:571286.950.000.00-0.35733.00
8841670062017.11.21 14:29:57buy1.00gold1278.830.000.002017.11.22 16:44:561286.950.000.00-0.35812.00

bukan fundamental, tapi...berkat doanya whiteking  Gold jadi naik lagi hehe..... hajarrr...close....  ngopi lagi + udud bareng sama temen2... wiki wiki....

8841312292017.11.20 15:56:04buy3.00gold1290.250.000.002017.11.22 19:19:461290.650.000.00-2.10   120.00
8841312472017.11.20 15:57:18buy1.00gold1289.370.000.002017.11.22 19:19:451290.650.000.00-0.70128.00
8841312622017.11.20 15:57:42buy1.00gold1289.450.000.002017.11.22 19:19:451290.650.000.00-0.70120.00
8841312762017.11.20 15:57:59buy1.00gold1289.270.000.002017.11.22 19:19:451290.650.000.00-0.70138.00
8841312792017.11.20 15:58:12buy1.00gold1289.120.000.002017.11.22 19:19:441290.620.000.00-0.70150.00
8841312912017.11.20 15:58:30buy1.00gold1288.860.000.002017.11.22 19:19:441290.620.000.00-0.70176.00

Gross Profit:                   23 431.48                            Gross Loss:            13.63                           Total Net Profit:        23 417.85