Indonesian Member - page 145

Yohana Parmi:

exit, nunggu lg di S berikutnya aja deh, @ 0.915/4x


TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItemPriceS / LT / PClose TimePriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
8816324062017.08.31 23:13:13buy1.00eurgbp0.92090.00000.00002017.09.01 00:02:030.92130.000.00-0.225.16



TicketOpen TimeTypeSizeItemPriceS / LT / PClose TimePriceCommissionTaxesSwapProfit
8816324062017.08.31 23:13:13buy1.00eurgbp0.92090.00000.00002017.09.01 00:02:030.92130.000.00-0.225.16

Yuk pak diposting ke page Charts

supaya terlihat lebih bagus disana 

begini cara posting nya:

lalu hasil link nya ditaruh di forum sini

ditunggu ya ....

(✿´‿` trims


Waduh kalau ane masih shy mau post hasil trading

modal recehan juga sering dapat nilai merahnya

Selamat lebaran idul adha...  Semoga beruntung.
images31f.jpg  28 kb
Yohana Parmi:

Yuk pak diposting ke page Charts

supaya terlihat lebih bagus disana 

begini cara posting nya:

lalu hasil link nya ditaruh di forum sini

ditunggu ya ....

(✿´‿` trims

Saya diajari Sergey Golubev,   saya kira cukup lah... hehe.... cuman untuk gambar aja

Sergey Golubev, 2013.07.24 10:00

I just want to remind about how to insert the images to the post - read this small article

========= - User Memo :

  • The Image button (Ctrl+Alt+I) is used for inserting pictures into messages. The Image window appears as soon as you click the button (shown next)

  • .In the Upload image field, you should specify the picture file. To do it, click the Browse button that opens the standard window to choose files. Select the necessary file and click the Insert button to confirm the choice, or click the Cancelbutton to end without uploading a file. In the Title field, you can specify the comment that will be displayed as a pop-up help if you move the mouse cursor over the picture.

Selamat lebaran idul adha...  Semoga beruntung.

sekarang lagi nyembelih kurban apa bro....???


sekarang lagi nyembelih kurban apa bro....???

Sapi gan tahun ini,  ente apaan? 
Sapi gan tahun ini,  ente apaan? 

Ya kambing aja Broo.... asyik bisa dibuat sate.... hehe...  maunya sih Onta... adanya dikebun binatang.. ngga dijual ya udah...kwkwkwkwk


Ayo kita tempur lagi Mba Yo

Welcome to the championship in September 2017
Welcome to the championship in September 2017
  • 2017.09.01
Welcome to the championship on treading and auto-trading The rules are very simple...
Achmad Wijaya:

Ayo kita tempur lagi Mba Yo

iya mas :)

ajak yg lain juga ya