What has your journey through FOREX been like?


Hi guys!

 I'd like to know about the fellow traders here in the forums, if you're willing to tell me. Some things like:


What has your journey been like through Forex?

Are you self-taught or did you have a mentor/formal education?

What was one of the biggest mistakes you've ever made? 

How long did it take you to begin seeing profits?

Have you ever quit/taken a break or wanted to do so?

What are your goals with Forex and how far do you think you have to go to realize those goals? 


Thanks in advance for your participation!  


What has your journey been like through Forex?

Started to learn myself with experience ,trading since 2010, become full time forex trader/educator since 2013.

Are you self-taught or did you have a mentor/formal education?
Self taught

What was one of the biggest mistakes you've ever made?
Biggest Mistakes as far i expereinced before:

1) without S/L trade
2) Suggetion from others
3) Stitting infront of the charts all the day.

How long did it take you to begin seeing profits?
Making profits so far so good.

Have you ever quit/taken a break or wanted to do so?
Never quit/break when i am here.

What are your goals with Forex and how far do you think you have to go to realize those goals?
Update myself with forex. Learn something. Educate myself and Educate others.

To Your Success


It took 3 years to mature in trading.

What has your journey been like through Forex?

I'd say pretty interesting besides of the learnings I have had throughout the time 

Are you self-taught or did you have a mentor/formal education?

I was in part (at the very beginning) self-taught and with time I found people that helped me in my way to success 

What was one of the biggest mistakes you've ever made? 

I think my weakiest part as a trader was the emotional, because of my nationality, since kids we are taught not to accept the mistakes, and you know that in forex it is impossible to be always right, so the emotional part is very important in trading

 How long did it take you to begin seeing profits?

Wow, that's a good question, it took me around a year and a half to win prizes in tournaments and more than 2 years to see constant profits.

Have you ever quit/taken a break or wanted to do so?

Yes, in my learning curve I had quit around 3 times for 1 month each after I blanked my account, however, I was back to keep learning and it showed it rewards already.

What are your goals with Forex and how far do you think you have to go to realize those goals? }

My goals are mainly that when I finish school I can pay the debt with the profits and still have capital to keep living meanwhile I get a full time job, whenever I have the job i can capitalize more until my expected profits reach what I expect to spend monthly and then live from trading. 

journey without end.
i have been in this market since two years . i understand the market fully but i am not confident to make money
Krysta Carmack:

Hi guys!

 I'd like to know about the fellow traders here in the forums, if you're willing to tell me. Some things like:


What has your journey been like through Forex?

Are you self-taught or did you have a mentor/formal education?

What was one of the biggest mistakes you've ever made? 

How long did it take you to begin seeing profits?

Have you ever quit/taken a break or wanted to do so?

What are your goals with Forex and how far do you think you have to go to realize those goals? 


Thanks in advance for your participation!  

I loss about $20,000 in Forex within weeks, because I jumped into the game without any knowledge.  I just listen to the Forex Guru from the internet, and follow their system blindly.  However, I believe that perseverance will eventually prevail.  Anyway, I am still learning Forex using demo account.  This is my fourth demo account.  The first three demo account, I got wiped out just like my real account.  I read many theories from Forex Factory, and I am sure all of them are good, but understanding your own trading system that makes you comfortable is very important.  I don't put many indicators, just a simple MA, and pay attention to the high and the low of the day, and of course PA.  Just a simple PA, nothing fancy.

So far so good, but this is too soon to tell, maybe the market has been trending well.  I do hope I can learn something from this forum.

Dina Li:


perseverance will eventually prevail. 
