MQL OOP - Cross references between classes.



How to make two classes in a way that each class to have a reference to the other? In general I want to have later these classes in separate files.
The problem is that when I define the classes, the first class doesn't see the second definition. 

#property strict

class Foo
                    ~Foo(void) {MyBar=NUL;}

   Bar              *MyBar;
   void SayFoo(void) {Print("It's Foo");}
   void SayBar(void) {MyBar.SayBar();}

class Bar
                    ~Bar(void) {MyFoo=NULL;}

   Foo              *MyFoo;
   void SayBar(void) {Print("It's Bar");}
   void SayFoo(void) {MyFoo.SayFoo();}

int OnInit(void)
   Foo *foo = new Foo();
   Bar *bar = new Bar();

   foo.MyBar = bar;
   bar.MyFoo = foo;



   return (0);
Miroslav Popov:


How to make two classes in a way that each class to have a reference to the other? In general I want to have later these classes in separate files.
The problem is that when I define the classes, the first class doesn't see the second definition. 

Not sure if the splitting into files makes it different, but I have been using forward declaration

class Bar;
class Foo  {

   Bar              *MyBar;


Thank you Ovo,

It solves the problem.  I must have missed it.