Help me


i'm have un problem with an indictor "TARZAN"

 I want a solution por install in MT4 

it's a few error

 '+' - expressions are not allowed on a global scope TARZAN.mq4 174 3

'*' - expressions are not allowed on a global scope TARZAN.mq4 178 68

 '}' - expressions are not allowed on a global scope TARZAN.mq4 180 2

declaration of 'TimeFrame' hides global declaration at line 23 TARZAN.mq4 109 22

 Probelm lign 174 with +  ,lign178 with * ,lign 180 with }

 Thank you if you can find a solution por install in mt4




//|                                                       TARZAN.mq4 |

//|                                               Yuriy Tokman (YTG) |

//|                                   |


#property copyright "Yuriy Tokman (YTG)"

#property link      ""

#property indicator_separate_window

#property indicator_buffers  6

#property  indicator_color1  Yellow

#property  indicator_color3  Aqua

#property  indicator_color4  Aqua

#property  indicator_color5  Lime

#property  indicator_color6  Red

#property  indicator_width1  3

#property indicator_level1 15.0

#property indicator_level2 85.0


extern string EA_forex_FREE = "http://xxxxx";


extern int TimeFrame = 60;//Ïåðèîä ãðàôèêà ìîæåò áûòü ëþáûì èç ñëåäóþùèõ âåëè÷èí:1 - 1 ìèíóòà,5 - 5 ìèíóò, 15 - 15 ìèíóò, 30 - 30 ìèíóò, 60 - 1 ÷àñ, 240 - 4 ÷àñà, 1440 - 1 äåíü, 10080 - 1 íåäåëÿ, 43200 - 1 ìåñÿö, 0(íîëü) - Ïåðèîä òåêóùåãî ãðàôèêà 

extern int RSI=5;//Ïåðèîä óñðåäíåíèÿ äëÿ âû÷èñëåíèÿ èíäåêñà.

extern int applied_RSI=0;//Èñïîëüçóåìàÿ öåíà. Ìîæåò áûòü ëþáîé èç öåíîâûõ êîíñòàíò: 0 - Öåíà çàêðûòèÿ, 1 - Öåíà îòêðûòèÿ, 2 - Ìàêñèìàëüíàÿ öåíà, 3 - Ìèíèìàëüíàÿ öåíà, 4 - Ñðåäíÿÿ öåíà, (high+low)/2, 5 - Òèïè÷íàÿ öåíà, (high+low+close)/3, 6 - Âçâåøåííàÿ öåíà çàêðûòèÿ, (high+low+close+close)/4 

extern int MA=50;//Ïåðèîä óñðåäíåíèÿ äëÿ âû÷èñëåíèÿ ñêîëüçÿùåãî ñðåäíåãî.

extern int method_MA=0;//Ìåòîä óñðåäíåíèÿ. Ìîæåò áûòü ëþáûì èç çíà÷åíèé ìåòîäîâ ñêîëüçÿùåãî ñðåäíåãî (Moving Average):0 - Ïðîñòîå ñêîëüçÿùåå ñðåäíåå, 1 - Ýêñïîíåíöèàëüíîå ñêîëüçÿùåå ñðåäíåå, 2 - Ñãëàæåííîå ñêîëüçÿùåå ñðåäíåå,3 - Ëèíåéíî-âçâåøåííîå ñêîëüçÿùåå ñðåäíåå 

extern int koridor = 5;//Ïîðîã êîíâåðòà

//---- buffers

double BU0[];

double BU1[];

double BU2[];

double BU3[];

double BU4[];

double BU5[];


//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |


int init()


//---- indicators

   IndicatorShortName("TARZAN "+GetNameTF(TimeFrame)+" "+RSI+"/"+MA);

   SetIndexBuffer(0, BU0);

   SetIndexStyle(0, DRAW_LINE);   

   SetIndexBuffer(1, BU1);



   SetIndexBuffer(2, BU2);

   SetIndexStyle(2, DRAW_LINE);   

   SetIndexBuffer(3, BU3);



   SetIndexBuffer(4, BU4);

   SetIndexStyle(4, DRAW_ARROW);



   SetIndexBuffer(5, BU5);







//| Custom indicator deinitialization function                       |


int deinit()








//| Custom indicator iteration function                              |


int start()



   int limit,b_sh;  

   int counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();   

   if(counted_bars<0) return(-1);

   if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;



   for(int i=0; i<limit; i++)



    BU0[i] = iRSI(Symbol(),TimeFrame,RSI,applied_RSI,b_sh);        



   int koef = 1;

   if(TimeFrame>0)koef = TimeFrame/Period();


   for(i=0; i<limit; i++)


     BU1[i] = iMAOnArray(BU0,0,MA*koef,0,method_MA,i);

     BU2[i] = iMAOnArray(BU0,0,MA*koef,0,method_MA,i)+koridor;

     BU3[i] = iMAOnArray(BU0,0,MA*koef,0,method_MA,i)-koridor;         



   for(i=0; i<limit; i++){

    if(BU0[i]>BU1[i]) BU4[i]= iMAOnArray(BU0,0,MA*koef,0,method_MA,i);

    else BU5[i]= iMAOnArray(BU0,0,MA*koef,0,method_MA,i);          






string GetNameTF(int TimeFrame=0) {                                         lign109

  if (TimeFrame==0) TimeFrame=Period();

  switch (TimeFrame) {

    case PERIOD_M1:  return("M1");

    case PERIOD_M5:  return("M5");

    case PERIOD_M15: return("M15");

    case PERIOD_M30: return("M30");

    case PERIOD_H1:  return("H1");

    case PERIOD_H4:  return("H4");

    case PERIOD_D1:  return("Daily");

    case PERIOD_W1:  return("Weekly");

    case PERIOD_MN1: return("Monthly");

    default:         return("UnknownPeriod");




 void GetYTG()


   static int count = 0;

   count++;if(count>2)count = 0;   

   color color_Y = Red;

   color color_T = Lime;   

   color color_G = Blue;

   if(count==1){color_Y = Crimson;color_T = LimeGreen;color_G = DodgerBlue;}

   if(count==2){color_Y = OrangeRed;color_T = ForestGreen;color_G = RoyalBlue;}


   Label("ytg_Y","Y" ,3,40,20,25,"Arial Black",color_Y);

   Label("ytg_T","T" ,3,25,5,25,"Arial Black",color_T);   

   Label("ytg_G","G" ,3,13,32,25,"Arial Black",color_G);    



 void Label(string name_label,string text_label,int corner = 2,int x = 3,int y = 15,int font_size = 10,string font_name = "Arial",color text_color = LimeGreen )


   if (ObjectFind(name_label)!=-1) ObjectDelete(name_label);








 void GetDellName (string name_n = "ytg_")


   string vName;

   for(int i=ObjectsTotal()-1; i>=0;i--)


     vName = ObjectName(i);

     if (StringFind(vName,name_n) !=-1) ObjectDelete(vName);




void GetAvtor()


  string char1[256]; int i;

  for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) char1[i] = CharToStr(i);   

  string txtt =










  +char1[111]+char1[102]+char1[32]+char1[116]+char1[104]+char1[101]+char1[32]+char1[97]                 ligne174




  +char1[105]+char1[108]+char1[46]+char1[99]+char1[111]+char1[109];*/                                               lign178


 }                                                                                                                                                             lign180


 I want a solution por install in MT4

 Thank you to help me ...

Please try this
Tarzan.mq4  7 kb
have you contact the author?

i'm have un problem with an indictor "TARZAN"

 I want a solution por install in MT4 

it's a few error

 '+' - expressions are not allowed on a global scope TARZAN.mq4 174 3

'*' - expressions are not allowed on a global scope TARZAN.mq4 178 68

 '}' - expressions are not allowed on a global scope TARZAN.mq4 180 2

declaration of 'TimeFrame' hides global declaration at line 23 TARZAN.mq4 109 22

 Probelm lign 174 with +  ,lign178 with * ,lign 180 with }

 Thank you if you can find a solution por install in mt4


 I want a solution por install in MT4

 Thank you to help me ...

  TARZAN - indicator for MetaTrader 4


Hi Alexander,

Your provided link is holding the original copy which published by the Author but that files containing few errors. 

I had checked the update which is submitted here by Biantoro and that is error free and nice.

Thanks Biantoro. But personally I did not see anything special in this indicator.



  • votes: 5
  • 2011.10.21
Trend indicator.

Hi, Pankaj

You're welcome. There is a special in this indicator, the word YGT is blink / change color :)

biantoro kunarto:

Hi, Pankaj

You're welcome. There is a special in this indicator, the word YGT is blink / change color :)

I saw that "YGT" display nicely with color changing. May I know, what is the benefit from this color change dancing ??
I think there is no benefit, just looks nice :)
biantoro kunarto:
I think there is no benefit, just looks nice :)
Thank you. As like show piece.