Should metaquotes remove the minimu of 20 usd per month for signal subscription?

  • 59% (33)
  • 41% (23)
Total voters: 56
Hi Tony, maybe you could explain why it's important ?

this is so stupid it all depends on the quality of the signal.

i once talked to a guy that sold signals, not for a fixed value,

but for a small percentage of the actual profit the signal made, these things are around and make a lot more sense then a any fixed 20$ for a signal it does not stimulate to make it better.

Marco vd Heijden:

this is so stupid it all depends on the quality of the signal.

i once talked to a guy that sold signals, not for a fixed value,

but for a small percentage of the actual profit the signal made, these things are around and make a lot more sense then a any fixed 20$ for a signal it does not stimulate to make it better.


I agree with you Marco, it would be a valid alternative to the payment of the fixed fee, certainly more fair for both providers for subscribers.

This formula would also impacts on the part of the fee which is retained by MQL5. It would be interesting to understand if at the end MQL5 would gain more 'or not ...


This is a professional solution. I agree.

Nevertheless, commission traders are directly plugged into the structure of the individual broker, through MAM and PAMM accounts.

How could MQL5 manage payments?

Should design a new appropriate structure, reach agreements with the brokers, considering all legal issues concerning people and their countries. 

Stefano Alberti:


I agree with you Marco, it would be a valid alternative to the payment of the fixed fee, certainly more fair for both providers for subscribers.

This formula would also impacts on the part of the fee which is retained by MQL5. It would be interesting to understand if at the end MQL5 would gain more 'or not ...

For subscribers perhaps a bit less.

US$ 20 fixed fee versus 20-50% fees on monthly gain. Because that's what we're talking.

20$ monthly absolutely  makes no sense.Trader's on comissions/profit are far better.How can we forget,after all it's MQL5.That's why i dont use and will never use any signal service from this site.Most of the signal provider's over here just wants to keep their statistics impressive to get the subscription fee and some day BOOOM!!!It's all over.
This independently happens from the way.

An signal provider that sucks, does not improve magically himself.

Indeed, the psychological impact derived by the interest in generating profits can lead in a dramatic situation (lifetime floating positions). 

If you are not able to accept losses, you aren't regardless the potential source of income.

"I will not close the losing positions and I don't want to give up the commissions".

"I am in profit earlier this month and I don't act again until its end"... 

if price would be lower then 20 dollars, metaquotes wouldnt make a lot of money. So they secure a stable income with minimum signal payment 20$.
Alain Verleyen:
Hi Tony, maybe you could explain why it's important ?
I believe this pushes many people to free signals even before they try out a signal for a good length of time because many brokers promote low amounts of money for starting forex i.e. 100-200 usd so imagine someone has a 200 usd account and they make 10% a month which is 20 usd and then pay 20 usd as subscription fee. Unworkable ain't it. It should be further lowered to something like 2 usd as it used to be. Another thing is that if a signal provider sleeps a whole month and not trade they still get good money. Hopefully in future metaquotes could introduce a system where a signal provider is paid a certain amount of pips per trade so that a subscriber doesn't have to foot anything outside what they have in their trading account since the subscription will automatically get paid from trades like other popular signals services do..

ok few comments:

  • linked to performance

    This means the more profit your system makes, the more you will profit from the field of subscribers.
    It also motivates to stay on top and improve the system to make it perform even better.
    200 usd account ? no problem the amount will always be a fixed % of the total profit.

  • Fixed value

    No matter how good or bad the system performs you will always have the same amount.
    This does not motivate to sustain or improve the system.
    200 usd account yes it could be a problem.

  • 2 usd $

    Why put up your great signal ? why go through all the hassle ?
    Discourages from even spending time to maintain the signal.

  • 20$

    This is do able with enough subscribers you can make up for the time you spend on it and try to make it better to attract more subscribers.
    If you got a real good signal going, 20$ can even feel offensive, you have spend years developing the golden goose, 
    and now your selling it's golden eggs for only 20$ ?

    It always amazes me to see the majority of people who think they can actually adapt a Millionaire system for a couple of bucks.
    I have said it before, if someone holds they keys to wealth, why would they sell it to you?
    The only system i can think of that will be reliable for signal providers, as well as for subscribers is the one that is linked to performance.
    This means it will be flexible, and has the potential to be driven to the limit, all other fixed forms have issues for both the signal provider and the subscriber,