not connected, select from signals database - page 2

I realise now I do not have enough in my account. Explain to me the frozen US$39 how this works. I am trying to add money via PayPal but it is not going through although I have obviously done it before. I've added my mobile phone number to my profile but I'll change that to my wifes as I never use mine.
Explain to me the frozen US$39 how this works.

Please see the Rules, V.5:

The Signal Provider automatically receives the Subscriber’s fee for using the Signals in a week upon the Subscription period expiration.

I've added my mobile phone number to my profile but I'll change that to my wifes as I never use mine.
No, you haven't. Check your profile.
I have been able to pay money now to get a new signal provider. My apologies for being so thick. I'll try to buck up but I wouldn't bank on it.