How to update an existing file ?

Comments that do not relate to the "Indicator modification help needed.", have been moved into this topic.


I have a question. I am trying to output the values of some variable into a csv file, at the same time I am printing the values into a logfile.

While all the values are correctly printing every minute (M1 timeframe) into a log file the CSV file only gets one line entry and stops.

How do I make all the entries go into the csv file. The output csv file names are slopeReport1.csv and slopeReport2.csv.

here is the attached code:

#property indicator_separate_window

#property indicator_buffers 3

#property indicator_color1 Blue

#property indicator_width1 2

#property indicator_color2 Red

#property indicator_width2 2

#property indicator_color3 DarkGreen

#property indicator_width3 2

//---- indicator parameters

extern int RegLin_Period=14;

//---- indicator buffers

double SLOPE[];

double Negativo[];

double Positivo[];


int ExtCountedBars=0;


//| Custom indicator initialization function                         |


int init()











   IndicatorShortName("Linear Regression Slope("+RegLin_Period+")");  




//|                                                                  |


double slope(int iBar, int nBars)


   double sumy=0,




   double beta = 0.0;

   int iLimit = iBar + nBars;

   for(; iBar < iLimit; ++iBar)







   int handle=FileOpen("slopeReport1.csv",FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV,",");

   FileWrite(handle,"timeset",TimeCurrent(),",",Symbol(),",",Period(),","," IBAR ",iBar," NBAR ",nBars," ILIMIT ",iLimit," value ",((nBars*sumxy - sumx*sumy) / (nBars*sumx2 - sumx*sumx)));

   return( (nBars*sumxy - sumx*sumy) / (nBars*sumx2 - sumx*sumx) );



//|                                                                  |


int start()


   int count = IndicatorCounted();


   if(count < RegLin_Period) count = RegLin_Period; // Lookback


   for(int iBar = Bars - 1 - count; iBar >= 0; iBar--)


      SLOPE[iBar] = -slope(iBar, RegLin_Period);    












int handle=FileOpen("slopeReport2.csv",FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV,",");




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I have a question. I am trying to output the values of some variable into a csv file, at the same time I am printing the values into a logfile.

While all the values are correctly printing every minute (M1 timeframe) into a log file the CSV file only gets one line entry and stops.

How do I make all the entries go into the csv file. The output csv file names are slopeReport1.csv and slopeReport2.csv.

here is the attached code:

You have to use FILE_READ|FILE_WRITE to update a file, and also FileSeek() to place the file pointer at the end of the file. Please read more carefully the documentation.