An idea I want to throw out there that could potentially help all of us who use this forum


I have an idea I want to throw out there, and see how the rest of the community feels on this idea.  Not really a fan of a poll as I feel this should be a discussion more than a simple yes or no answer type of thing.  Obviously, MQ would also have to be acceptable with this.

Here is my problem.  The documentation on here, to borrow a line from WHRoeder on forum, is a kludge. (TY to Alain for showing me how to link a specific post.)  Code examples are fine, but in many cases the supporting documentation, in a kinder term, is less than stellar.

My suggested solution.  Get a bunch of the users of this site that are both fluent in MQL and native language speakers and writers to "translate" the documentation into their native language, instead of what appears to be a flat blanket translation from one language.  This ideally would be done for both MQL4 and MQL5.

Let me know what you think of this idea.  Maybe if we can get enough people who would want to sign up for this idea, we can make it happen, and hopefully help all of the current and future users of MQL out.


How much it pays?

Oh and i have no problem what so ever with the docs :)

Marco vd Heijden:

How much it pays?

Oh and i have no problem what so ever with the docs :)

I was thinking volunteers.  If it pays or not is up to MQ as it is their documentation we would be working on.  What brought on this idea was part of the discussion at  For the record, I am one of the people who has concerns about the documentation, but judging by posts made by others, not the only one who does.  That being said, I am not asking to be one of the people correcting the documentation, other than pointing out if I see something that I consider unclear.  I do not know MQL well enough to be considered for one of the programmers qualified to work on this.  The page I am specifically talking about here (and in the forum thread on MQL4) is  The function in the example is sent a double, WH made that part very clear on the thread.  Never had a question on that.  My issue is that the function returns a double, and according to the documentation, it looks as if it is supposed to return an integer, at least to me.