Signal !


i want ask about after i subscribe a signal, let say i have 2 live account, cent and standard account 


1. the signal available for cent account to subscribe it?

because i try some other free signal and the signal provider mention it available for cent acc,

but i cant subscribe it because of the conversion rate is different with the signal provider....


2.  when the news release time, i can temporary unsubscribe the signal? and after the time i subscribe back the signal, so i need to pay again?


3.  it available for me to swap the signal on between my 2 acc?


TQ for the reply  


1. the signal available for cent account to subscribe it?

because i try some other free signal and the signal provider mention it available for cent acc,

but i cant subscribe it because of the conversion rate is different with the signal provider....

You should ask broker about conversion pair USDUSC.

2.  when the news release time, i can temporary unsubscribe the signal? and after the time i subscribe back the signal, so i need to pay again?

You should disable subscription in the terminal to avoid news. Service -> Settings -> Signal - uncheck "allow subscription"

3 it available for me to swap the signal on between my 2 acc?

Write post to the ServiceDesk. Usually you can't change subscription from one account to another if you receive signal without issues.
There is also a FAQ thread on signals that doesn't pop up all the time unless there is activity on it, at least not on my screen.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service
Can I copy trades from MetaTrader 4 to MetaTrader 5 or vice versa? - - Category: trading systems

unly one signal per account
Rules for copy trading in MetaTrader 4 and 5 - the Trading Signals service
Rules for copy trading in MetaTrader 4 and 5 - the Trading Signals service
Terms of Service Trading Signals: Signal Providers, how to create a signal subscription signals.



you_have_to_trade_yourself_better_than_put_your_money_between_another_hands perfect signal providers but you can choose which one is better and just invest as much as you ready to loss.