Window position - Profile feature is broken.


I usually have several charts open, typically two charts for each currency pair (just the primaries, not the crosses for now).  I display two charts of the same currency side-by-side, one weekly and one daily, or one 4 hour and one 1 hour, etc.  All of the other charts are minimized.  The problem is that when I close MT5 and reopen it, all the windows are now displayed, in small windows, instead of remembering which two windows I had displayed and which others (all the rest) that I had minimized.  So I have to go through and arrange all of these windows all the time.  It's a pain.  it would be nice for it to remember my desktop/workspace.  I have tried setting it all up the way I want and saving it as a profile, but it doesn't work.  Close MT5, reopen, all the windows (12 of them) are displayed, tiny, in a grid.


I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit. 

code.mafia posted  :

I usually have several charts open, typically two charts for each currency pair (just the primaries, not the crosses for now).  I display two charts of the same currency side-by-side, one weekly and one daily, or one 4 hour and one 1 hour, etc.  All of the other charts are minimized.  The problem is that when I close MT5 and reopen it, all the windows are now displayed, in small windows, instead of remembering which two windows I had displayed and which others (all the rest) that I had minimized.  So I have to go through and arrange all of these windows all the time.  It's a pain.  it would be nice for it to remember my desktop/workspace.  I have tried setting it all up the way I want and saving it as a profile, but it doesn't work.  Close MT5, reopen, all the windows (12 of them) are displayed, tiny, in a grid.


I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit. 

Yes, I get the same sort of thing. I think this is another Win7 issue (there are several reported so far). It's fine on XP. I think it may be saving the profile in the program area (C:\Program Files\Metatrader 5...etc), but Win7's UAC is forcing it to read from your user area (C:\Users..... etc)


What is the name of a profile file (extension)?

Nevermind, I found it.  You may be partially correct.  There is a Profiles directory located here:

 C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 5\Profiles


And my custom profile should be located here:

 C:\Program Files (x86)\MetaTrader 5\Profiles\Charts\MyCustomProfileName

There is a folder there, but it has the generic 4 charts and  order.wnd file that all profiles in that location have.


 But instead it's located here:



I copied the files (12 chart files and the order.wnd file) back to the profiles directory under C:\Program Files (x86) and reloaded the program but it does the same thing, all twelve windows open in a grid.  The order.wnd file doesn't store window positions, only the chart names (chart01.chr, chart09.chr, chart12.chr, etc.) in a specific order.  I can't see how, with only the chart names and orders how it can remember window position.  Maybe that information is stored in the chr file?