Mail: not enough space



 I notice my MT4 is giving this exception when I try to send test message
How can I purge the pending message on MT4 ?

Is there any limitation of sending email ?
Currently I'm sending email in 4-5 minutes intervals


Please advice 

Which error have you got? Have you asked for the last error? Please attach a log of terminal and experts.
Alexey Da:
Which error have you got? Have you asked for the last error? Please attach a log of terminal and experts.

Open Journal 

You will see file with an error

Open file then  File Manager will open. Close MT4 or MT5. Then delete that file bellow. 


Open Journal 

You will see file with an error

Open file then  File Manager will open. Close MT4 or MT5. Then delete that file bellow. 

What's that ? Please don't dig up old thread without a good reason.

Your answer is off-topic.