class : ExtDialog


Good day

I encountered this class in several code examples, but could not find any documantaion for it

for example, this one 

can some one please reference me to this class specification? 

Documentation for the Standard Library is reduced to its minimum.
Alain Verleyen:
Documentation for the Standard Library is reduced to its minimum.

So, if i replace declaration using  ExtDialog with CDialog I recieve same fonctunulity?

is ExtDialog is just a "static" form of CDialog while instances of CDialog implementing same methods as ExtDialog or is there a difference?

Eliy Arlev:

So, if i replace declaration using  ExtDialog with CDialog I recieve same fonctunulity?

is ExtDialog is just a "static" form of CDialog while instances of CDialog implementing same methods as ExtDialog or is there a difference?

CDialog or CPanelDialog...are classes. ExtDialog is an object, an instance of class.