Do other need back and forward buttons in metaeditor?


typo in title: Do others need *


The lengthier the code becomes, in my case => more searching (Ctrl+F) => the more I need to move back and forward in the code.

Other IDE's have these back and forward buttons, or shortcuts at least.

Is there a way in metaeditor to go back and forward?

If not, am I the only one needing this?

I thought to post here first, not bothering service desk with this 


Ctrl-F2 - set mark in code

F2 - jump to the next mark in code 

Or double click the line number to toggle breakpoints.
Marco vd Heijden:
Or double click the line number to toggle breakpoints.
That's not the same breakpoints are for debugging.

hmm ok you can use it in many way's i guess.



Breakpoints are used to interrupt program execution under debugger. I don't think that's what Mihai asked.


Anyway, besides Ctrl-F2 and F2, there is Ctrl+- (Ctrl and minus) and Ctrl-shift+- (Ctrl-Shift and minus) for navigating forward/backward between last cursor positions.

Open Metaeditor help and look for Hotkeys. Some interesting things are there 


Thank you guys

Sounds good, I was not aware of these shortcuts => I can't wait to try them  :) 


Nice! After reading the Hotkeys section in help (thanks Drazen for the hint), the most intuitive for me are:




 instead of ctrl+- and the other one