Which Trading Strategy Types Do You Use and Why? - page 2

abdul salam:
day trading is best
For some people, that is true.  However, it is not the right thing to do for everybody.  It depends more on your personal preference.  Also, your job situation.  If you are only able to be there for an hour or so each day because you have a full time job outside of trading, then day trading is probably not the best choice.  I would look into something that would let you take a longer term approach.  Unless you are lucky enough for your job hours to not overlap your day trading strategy.  Could wear you out quick doing that though.
 Price Action Trading make good open position
whatever be the strategy , manual trading is the best.

but you can not manually trade 24 Hrs a day where a robot can run virtually every second the market is open.

i am actually very bad at manual trading, i will not last a day.

 Price Action Trading make good open position

Price Action with support and resistance will be the ultimate setup

Marco vd Heijden:

but you can not manually trade 24 Hrs a day where a robot can run virtually every second the market is open.

i am actually very bad at manual trading, i will not last a day.

That part is good, I am going to look into that once I get 2 things.  First off is enough money to be able to afford getting a setup for it, and 2, finding a system or EA that will not end up tanking the account that I can afford the trades for.
In my opinion, swing trading is the best. It cover most of market time and its safe. I try to close my positions just before market close.
day trading is the best one
Day Trading includes Breakout, Swing, Price Action.....so "Day Trading" means a lot of trading styles in one....so the poll is not as usefull at all.