Would you please help me in mql to print indicators - page 2

If you have any questions - ask them tomorrow. I sleep.
Sorry, but I can not understand the logic of your indicator. (It should be short sentences and pictures).
Karputov Vladimir:
Sorry, but I can not understand the logic of your indicator. (It should be short sentences and pictures).

As you can see, there are two parts:

1.  named //new bar - draw indicator on new bar if xyz - in real time, normal work

2. named //History - draw indicator on the bar [i] when bar [i+1] like xx && bar [i+2] like xyz... where bar[i] is any  bar related to its bars [i+1], [i+2]....

Forget point 1. I just wont to print signal on every candle where second previous candle was down. Not in real time but for all in history of a chart.

if (Close[i]<Open[i]) draw_labe(code_120_down,color_120_down,i); //works OK, prints signals

if (Close[i+1]<Open[i+1]) draw_labe(code_120_down,color_120_down,i);  //doesn't work
mareks1 :

As you can see, there are two parts:

1.  named //new bar - draw indicator on new bar if xyz - in real time, normal work

2. named //History - draw indicator on the bar [i] when bar [i+1] like xx && bar [i+2] like xyz... where bar[i] is any  bar related to its bars [i+1], [i+2]....

Forget point 1. I just wont to print signal on every candle where second previous candle was down. Not in real time but for all in history of a chart.

Let us simplify the code:

int OnCalculate(const int rates_total,
                const int prev_calculated,
                const datetime &time[],
                const double &open[],
                const double &high[],
                const double &low[],
                const double &close[],
                const long &tick_volume[],
                const long &volume[],
                const int &spread[])
//new bar

      Comment("test. Time[2]=",Time[2]);


void draw_labe(int code,color col,int f)
   string name=identif+string(Time[f]);


It works. We verify the second bar. And draw on the second bar.


It works but not as it should.

1. it draws on bar [i+2] not on the bar [i]. In other words we wont: "Show on bar [i] if bar [i+2] was down".

2. it draws in present time not on the history.

The goal is to click compile on the clear chart and in that moment have a chart full of indicators like this

(the picture does not show our test conditions, it ilustrate the effect of calculations on history made in the moment of compilation)

mareks1 :

It works but not as it should.

1. it draws on bar [i+2] not on the bar [i]. In other words we wont: "Show on bar [i] if bar [i+2] was down".


You could:

      Comment("test. Time[2]=",Time[2]);

OK, but what about real formulas when we calculate together [i+1] [i+2] [i+3] ?

My oryginal code draw labels on real time (although I am not sure that calculate correct - another problem)

Now the problem is that my code draw on historical but only when condition is if (Close[i]<Open[i])

Does not draw when if (Close[i+2]<Open[i+2])

Does not draw when if (Close[2]<Open[2])

That is the point.


Your indicators creates a lot of objects. It is better to go to DRAW_ARROW.