Random number generator within range in mql5

Is it possible within MQL5 to generate a random number between a set starting point and ending point? Let's say I want a random number between 1000 and 2000. How would I do that?

You can use this code:

int  RandomNumber;

for(int i = 0; i< 1; i++) {
    RandomNumber = MathRand();
    if(RandomNumber > 2000 || RandomNumber < 1000) {

Have a nice day!


You can use interpolation to adjust result to required bounds:

int MathRandomBounds(int minValue, int maxValue){
   return minValue + MathRound((maxValue-minValue)*(MathRand()/32767.0));

32767.0 is a constant maximal value for MathRand().


An overloaded function for doubles:

#define RAND_MAX 32767
double MathRandomBounds(double minValue, double maxValue)
        double f = (MathRand()/(double) RAND_MAX);
        double retValue = minValue + f * (maxValue-minValue);
        return retValue;

I didn't see a clean way to use a template, i.e. template<typename T>, because of MathRound().

Is it possible within MQL5 to generate a random number between a set starting point and ending point? Let's say I want a random number between 1000 and 2000. How would I do that?

I would use just this:

 int rnd = 1000 + MathRand()%1000; // this gives 1000 - 1999

(But the frequency of the numbers from 1000 to 1767 is a tiny tiny little bit higher than those from 1768-1999 but I guess it the fastest method.)


You can use this code to generate random numbers:

//| Random double in the range [min, max)                            |
double MathRandDbl(const double min, const double max)
   double f   = (MathRand() / 32768.0);
   return min + (int)(f * (max - min));
//| Random integer in the range [min, max)                           |
//| Generates random numbers with a uniform distribution (bias-free).|
int MathRandInt(const int min, const int max)
   int RAND_MAX = 32767;
   int range = max - min;
   if (range > RAND_MAX) range = RAND_MAX;
   int randMin = RAND_MAX % range;
   int rand;  do{ rand = MathRand(); }while (rand <= randMin);
   return rand % range + min;
//|                                                                  |
void OnStart()
//--- Initialize the generator of random numbers

//--- Generate and print some random dates
   for(int i=0; i<10; i++)
      double rnd=MathRandDbl(D'1990.01.01',TimeCurrent());
//--- test disribution histogram
   int hist[];
   int bound=13;
   int sample=100000;
   for(int i=0; i<sample; i++)
   PrintFormat("histogram of MathRandInt(0,%d): ",bound);
   ArrayPrint(hist,0,", ");
Always remember that it is not cryptographically secure so don't use it to generate keys and wallets.
Marco vd Heijden:
Always remember that it is not cryptographically secure so don't use it to generate keys and wallets.

The above MathRandInt(function generates random integers in a uniform distribution (bias-free). It is enough to use it for general purposes.

Be aware that the following function commonly seen on this forum has a modulo bias. This can occur with some inputs when their range, b-a, is not dividing the whole range of the RNG evenly. It simply means that certain numbers are more likely to be drawn than others.

//| Modulo bias !!!                                                  |
//| https://stackoverflow.com/a/738651/360211                        |
int MathRandInt(const int min, const int max)
   double f   = (MathRand() / 32768.0);
   return min + (int)(f * (max - min));

For more explanation on modulo bias, please refer to https://stackoverflow.com/a/738651/360211

So you eliminate the bias.
// Returns a random number in the range [min..max) Max excluded.
// Random(10,  0)   returns 0   … 9      with equal probability.
// Random(10.0,0.0) returns 0.0 … 9.9999 with equal probability.
int RandomLinear(int max, int min=0){
   int range   = max - min;
   int randMax = 32768 - 32768 % range;
   int rand;  do{ rand = MathRand(); }while (rand >= randMax);
   return rand % range + min;
William Roeder:
So you eliminate the bias.

Rounding to multiples of a step can be faster with:

int randMax = (32768 / range) * range;

You keep trying to get a random number in the max range divisible by b-a. 

Also, you need to check that the range b-a is within RAND_MAX, otherwise we get an infinite loop here.

int rand = RandomLinear(70123); 

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