Please Help In Opening The File


Hi ,

After Moving to MT4 ver 600 and more , My Last code for opening the file met the problem.

You Can see the code and the Error Message : 

Also I'm running in wiondows8.1 X32 . Can anyone suggest a solution


void OnStart()



     int iErr=0;

   string terminal_data_path=TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH);

   string filename=terminal_data_path+"\\MQL4\\Files\\"+"Text.txt";

   int filehandle=FileOpen(filename,FILE_READ);




     Alert("Error code In File Opening is  Description : "+

         ErrorDescription(iErr)+ " : No:  "+ IntegerToString(iErr) );


   else {

         Alert("Successful File Opening");





You don't need folder to write to the "Files" folder, it is default for the FileOpen() function.

Use this:

string filename="Text.txt";


And please, use "SRC" option when you enter source code in the post. 


Thank You I solved it by using the following


#import "kernel32.dll" 

 int ReadFile(int, uchar&[], int, int&[], int); 


that sounds good.