HELP to Import DLL in MQL5 - Unhandled exception 0xE0434352 - page 2


I have the same (or similar) problem with call DLL-function (my own DLL for another LIB)

Win7 64 bit

MT5, v 5.00 build 1340, 64bit


I'm still looking for solution...


I have been there before. It works when I copy all the DLL dependencies files to MT5 program files. 

See picture for example:



Confirmation - I found the small note in


Because of "double DLL wrapping in .NET", the Cloo.dll, encog-core-cs.dll and log4net.dll files should be located in the folder of the client terminal. 
The EncogNNTrainDLL.dll file should be located in \Terminal Data folder\MQL5\Libraries\ folder.
Marco vd Heijden:

Hi, Marco,

Thanks for the respond. Already set. Doesn't help. May be this helps with Encog, but I'm working with CNTK. I encountered with the same problem with my DLL import into MQL5.

I have wrote a program in C++ that uses the same DLL and the same calls of DLL functions and with the same sequence. I run exe from the same directory and it has been executed without errors.



i think I have the same problem.

This is the output:

KF    0    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    C:\Users\*****\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\B07D12355A3C9AC10EE966FE7D0D719A\MQL5\Files\
KO    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    Unhandled exception 0xE0434352
CF    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD7593D0 4881ECC8000000    sub        rsp, 0xc8
HH    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD7593D7 83E201            and        edx, 0x1
GH    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD7593DA 488D05EFFFFFFF    lea        rax, [rip-0x11]
GF    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD7593E1 894C2420          mov        [rsp+0x20], ecx
JI    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD7593E5 33C9              xor        ecx, ecx
IH    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD7593E7 4889442430        mov        [rsp+0x30], rax
RF    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD7593EC 89542424          mov        [rsp+0x24], edx
FG    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD7593F0 48894C2428        mov        [rsp+0x28], rcx
CK    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD7593F5 4D85C9            test       r9, r9
DE    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD7593F8 0F85AA180000      jnz        dword 0x7fefd75aca8
IE    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)   
HS    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD7593FE 894C2438          mov        [rsp+0x38], ecx
NL    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD759402 488D4C2420        lea        rcx, [rsp+0x20]
DR    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD759407 FF15931E0400      call       qword near [rip+0x41e93]  ; NlsUpdateLocale (kernelbase.dll)
GQ    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)       crash -->  000007FEFD75940D 4881C4C8000000    add        rsp, 0xc8
NR    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD759414 C3                ret       
CS    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)   
DI    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)                  000007FEFD759415 90                nop       
CF    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)   
NM    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    00: 0x000007FEFD75940D
KD    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    01: 0x000007FEF73C56E4
KN    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    02: 0x0000000077920C51
QI    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    03: 0x000007FEF7551A7A
PS    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    04: 0x000007FEF7551586
FJ    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    05: 0x000007FEF74FA8DB
RD    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    06: 0x000007FEF7491B5A
GP    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    07: 0x000007FE97E300D5
MI    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    08: 0x000000001B835ED8
PO    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)    09: 0x0000000036927FA4

GH    2    22:43:47.892    NeuralEncogIndicator (EURUSD,M15)

I use Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit.

Can somebody help me, please?


Hi ExpertWolle,

I know it's been a while ago, but I have exactly the same issue now. Tried to copy the *.dll files to almost everywhere, etc. Have you solved the problem and may I ask for help, please?

Thanks in advance.


Different DLL, as well as what you are trying to connect to, but i'd bet that this has something to do with using 64bit.

See my related post

Connection between MT5 and MySQL on 64bit - Access violation
Connection between MT5 and MySQL on 64bit - Access violation
  • 2018.08.26
For at least 2 years now i have had the same problem in trying to connect to a MySQL database through MQL5 using 64bit architecture (https://www...
I did read somewhere that pointers in 64bit dll's are often too large to use INT and that changing to LONG in the MQL5 code would work, this didn't help me but might be worth a try for yourself.

Hi ExpertWolle,

I know it's been a while ago, but I have exactly the same issue now. Tried to copy the *.dll files to almost everywhere, etc. Have you solved the problem and may I ask for help, please?

Thanks in advance.

Any luck fixing the Access Violation error?