custom indicators/templates on mt4 mobile??


hi there,

is it possible to add custom indicators or templates in mt4 mobile? i'm thinking to buy a htc for mobile trading. also does it matter the OS of the pda? i mean will there be any problems if the pda comes with an Android OS?

thanks in advance!!


Hey guys, I'm also keen to know if you can apply templates to the mobile app? Obviously, the template you use does not apply to the mobile app automatically and you have to manually configure graphs. Maybe MetaTrader have to consider such feature - it will be very helpful. Best it to have two way synchronization.



Velislav Ivanov:

Hey guys, I'm also keen to know if you can apply templates to the mobile app? Obviously, the template you use does not apply to the mobile app automatically and you have to manually configure graphs. Maybe MetaTrader have to consider such feature - it will be very helpful. Best it to have two way synchronization.




Any luck on this question?