MT4 Bld 225: Email Test giving login error?



I hope someone can help me. I'm using MT4 Build 225, and I want to set up an email alert. I have entered all the Email settings as it requests, but the Test email gives an error in the Journal:

Mail: Login to failed

I have used all the same login details that I use in my Outlook Express account settings. I have deleted and re-typed over and over. Closed platform and re-opened. Still no luck.

Does anyone know if my ISP: Talktalk in the UK, is my problem? if so, anyone know of a free email account that MT4 will work with?

Many thanks for your help in advance. I really need to get this set up soon.

ves :


I hope someone can help me. I'm using MT4 Build 225, and I want to set up an email alert. I have entered all the Email settings as it requests, but the Test email gives an error in the Journal:

Mail: Login to failed

I have used all the same login details that I use in my Outlook Express account settings. I have deleted and re-typed over and over. Closed platform and re-opened. Still no luck.

Does anyone know if my ISP: Talktalk in the UK, is my problem? if so, anyone know of a free email account that MT4 will work with?

Many thanks for your help in advance. I really need to get this set up soon.

This is a note for anyone who experiences the problems I had:

I have managed to get it to work. Talktalk would not work with MT4. I have signed up for a email account, and, using the smtp server setting as:

it all works fine.

Now, down to business......