Very long time to start up -- every time


Every time I open MetaTrader or log to my account, I have to wait a very long time, many minutes, in order to have the complete charts on the screen. During this time, the UC run at 100 %. What is wrong ?

Thanks in advance !

Please, try to detach Expert Advisor from your charts.
MetaQuotes :
Please, try to detach Expert Advisor from your charts.

Thank you for this answer.

There is no Expert Advisor... Only Programmed Indicators...

It takes 3 minutes to display the window and 1 more minute to finish the calculations and display the current price...

You can look at the result

The problem is only with the alpari uk metatrader platform...

MetaQuotes :
Please, try to detach Expert Advisor from your charts.

I must say, I am not sure what is going on. I am having the same problem with a brand new download of the platform. Takes a long time to boot. I am also having other problems.

1. I get a file error when I try to upgrade from build 224 to 225. It has something to do with the serbian languange file

2. There is no longer a hyperspeed for running backtests where I cah put the speed full throttle and minimize the chart

3. Optimiazation is taking 10000x longer than it has in the past.

4. I am not able to download any history data on my live account, it will only work on a demo account.

I have done everything feasibly possible with my computer, and nothing has fixed these issues, and so I am inclined to think that they are with MT4. Is anyone else having these issues and does any one know how to fix them?

Thanks in advance!