backtesting/optimization error......ideas anyone?



I am wondering if anyone else is having this problem as of late or if anyone knows what I can do about it.

I use windows XP, have the newest build and I backtest regularly to keep current on my EA settings. About 1 week ago, maybe a little more I started getting optimized and backtesting results that skipped many days. For example, I optimized from 03/23 -04/7. And the optimization came back with only trades taken on the 23rd and the 30th. My EA takes a minimum of 1 trade per day and a maximum of 2 trades per day per pair. This means that I should have at least one trade each day of my testing period calculated into the optimization, but it only read trades on 2 days out of 10. When I changed the start date to the 24th, then i would get a trade result for that day and maybe one or 2 others. Now, I can look at the chart and know that more trades than that were taken during my test period. This never used to be a problem and really has only come up in the last week or week +... and yes, the ea works just fine when trading live, so it is not an issue with the EA that I would know of.

Why all of a sudden is my optimized testing not giving me a complete list of trading days within my testing dates? It is almost like i have something set that when I input my dates, I have a setting that says 'only use results from 1 trading day per week', but I have found no such settings anywhere within MT4.

I have tried everything on my end with the exception of reformatting windows (going to try a repair next) and nothing seems to be correcting this problem. Is it my computer or is it in the recent builds that have been relesed? It seems that problem started right after a recent build, but am not sure about that.

It happens on both my live account and a demo account and does not seem to be broker related. in fact, the more demo accounts I get from brokers to see if this happens to me with them as well, the less days that seem to register from my testing dates.

I guess the next step is to try on a VPS and see if that makes a difference and then should tell me if it is my system of MT4.

Does this make sense, and does anyone else have this problem, and if so or not, does any one know how I can get MT4 to start testing all days within my testing date range instead of just 1 day each week within my testing date range.

Could this be related to the HeurEngine.Packed.Themida.RGa 'suspicious threat' that my spyware picks up when I open my MT4 platform.....It is not a virus on my puter, because I can download a new MT4 platform from a broker that I do not have in my files and when the chart loads, this thing comes up as something 'suspicious'. I have tried to block it and allow it, and it does not make a difference as to the performance of the backtester. This 'suspicious threat' is located in the language section of the files for MT4. It could be that my spyware is picking up something this is not a problem, but this and the MT4 backtesting problems started as close as I can tell almost simultaneously.....

According to my spyware, HeurEngine.packed.Themida.RGa is a threat because there is an error with some code, and like I said it is happening the minute I open a new demo account with a new broker so i am inclined to think it is not on my computer.

Thanks in advance for any help or ideas anyone can offer me.


No ideas, I'm afraid, but at least one other fellow having similar problems. I am a very heavy user of the Strategy Tester, and in the last two weeks or so it has been giving me complete garbage. I noted that I had a LOT of data errors in my histories (all pairs) and so deleted and re-downloaded them. No joy. I also noted that if I run the same EA code multiple times over the same time frame, I do not always get the same results, which is of course silly beyond words. Further, by studying the 'visual mode' graphs from the tester, I determined that sometimes a trade is opened or closed at a price completely unrelated to the current BID and ASK. And this is with code that I have been fiddling with for many months.

I contacted my broker and the only thing they could suggest was to completely re-install MT4, which I really hated to do but did anyways. No help.

Please, please someone from MT look into this and give us some assurance it's being fixed! The only reason most of us use MT is for the programming and testing features.

damonl :

Thanks in advance for any help or ideas anyone can offer me.

IME, MT can occasionally corrupt its history folder
I back mine up each week, as restoring fron any other source can be a risk of other problems

Also, be sure your AV program is not automatically disinfecting anything

Good Luck


damonl :


Could this be related to the HeurEngine.Packed.Themida.RGa 'suspicious threat' that my spyware picks up when I open my MT4 platform.....It is not a virus on my puter, because I can download a new MT4 platform from a broker that I do not have in my files and when the chart loads, this thing comes up as something 'suspicious'. I have tried to block it and allow it, and it does not make a difference as to the performance of the backtester. This 'suspicious threat' is located in the language section of the files for MT4. It could be that my spyware is picking up something this is not a problem, but this and the MT4 backtesting problems started as close as I can tell almost simultaneously.....

According to my spyware, HeurEngine.packed.Themida.RGa is a threat because there is an error with some code, and like I said it is happening the minute I open a new demo account with a new broker so i am inclined to think it is not on my computer.

Thanks in advance for any help or ideas anyone can offer me.

Hi Damonl,

I have been searching the net for a similar kind of answer, i have been having problems with trying to run the backtester, I had suspicion that it may have the been that as my security does exactly the same thing.

I therefore tried it on my VPS and worked fine. I will need to either look at my security settings and unblock it or reinstall which I can hopefully avoid, I just cant remember now if it was blocked or deleted :)




I have just been working out whats going on with my platform, you will need to allow access from your quarantine folder on your internet security, uninstal your MT4 platform and remove all folders from your directory (important to do this or it wont work) then reboot and reinstal your MT4 and all should be good.

Next time you instal and your security blocks just choose allow.

Hope this helps.
