The "' Server Will Be Stopped


On the 5th of April 2009 the "" server will be stopped. However, the History Center with the minute history will continue to operate.

From this day on our company will discontinue using the demonstration server. Currently, the number of companies working with the MetaTrader 4 platform is so large that we do not see any reason in maintaining our own server.

Therefore we urge that all companies using our demo server as the feeder of quotes switch to another MetaTrader 4 server. For your reference, generally our server has been translating quotes from the demo server of Alpari.


Hello Rosh,

How about these Servers: Web Demo / London Web Demo 1 / London Web Demo 2 / Hong Kong Web Demo Proxy 1?

Will they be stopped as well on the 5th of April?




The "" server has been stopped.

The History Center with the minute history will continue to operate.