Creating VC++ .DLL



When using the MFC AppWizard (starting a new .DLL project in VC++) what type of DLL do I create that is most compatible with MT4?

1. Regular DLL with MFC statically linked

2. Regular DLL using shared MFC DLL

3. MFC Extension DLL (using shared MFC DLL)

I'm a VB6 programmer - don't really know what I'm doing in VC++, but need a simple .DLL and thought I'd hack my way through it - if I could get some help.

Any insights creating a VC++ DLL would be appreciated.



Only one condition - your imported dll-functions must be provide _stdcall calling convention

look Video Tutorial + Sample MFC DLL

Slawa :
Only one condition - your imported dll-functions must be provide _stdcall calling convention


Can I used a (managed code) .DLL from C#.NET?


_stdcall calling convention only. Can C#.NET provide this convention with managed code?
FinGeR :

look Video Tutorial + Sample MFC DLL

This is an excellent video!

Is there another video on string use? It was stated in this video that a string example would be the topic of another video. I'm very interested in this.

Thank you!


charliev :
FinGeR :

look Video Tutorial + Sample MFC DLL

This is an excellent video!

Is there another video on string use? It was stated in this video that a string example would be the topic of another video. I'm very interested in this.

Thank you!


If someone know how to use the dll to pass a string please give us a hint.


Hell FinGeR,

I tried to view this video but the link is broken.

Could you please update me with new link.

Thanks in Advance,
